
hán shòu kè chénɡ
  • correspondence course;postal course
  1. 我选了一门计算机函授课程。

    I took a correspondence course in computing .

  2. 我参加了一项有关打字和速记的函授课程

    I 've been taking a correspondence course in typing and shorthand .

  3. 其他选手则早在12岁就进入了非全日制或函授课程,以便更多地专注于打网球,其中包括费德勒(RogerFederer)这样从青少年组比赛开始的选手。

    Other players , including those who begin on the junior circuit like Roger Federer , enter a part-time or correspondence program as early as the age of 12 to allow greater focus on tennis .

  4. 数学教师函授课程教学方法的改革

    The Reform of the Method of Teaching Mathematics by Correspondence

  5. 函授课程造纸机作业基本原理

    Tappi Home Study Course , Fundamentals of Paper Machine Operations

  6. 新《课程标准》的实施与教师角色的转变&谈体育函授课程改革

    Execution of New Standards for Sports Curriculum and changes of teachers ' roles

  7. 函授课程使他成为合格的会计。

    The correspondence course qualified him as an accountant .

  8. 他什么都推销过,从函授课程到猪油,这工作很不容易。

    He sold everything from correspondence courses to hog lard . It was hard work .

  9. 有时甚至可参加函授课程。

    Or sometimes even a correspondence course .

  10. 按照学校计划,学区为在家从事家庭教育的家庭免费提供函授课程所用的电脑和互连网业务。

    Under the program , the district gives home-schooling families free computers and Internet service for correspondence classes .

  11. 我愿意进一步认识耶稣基督和报读免费的圣经函授课程。

    I would like to further my understanding of Jesus Christ and to enroll for free Bible correspondence courses .

  12. 开设函授课程的学院大都要求函授生每年到学院本部集中面授一两次。

    Most colleges offering a correspondence course demand the corresponding students be gathered on campus once or twice a year .

  13. 从函授课程到电视广播课程,远程学习满足了很多由于身体原因不能上学的学习者的需要。

    From correspondence courses to tele-classes , distance learning has served the needs of people who cannot physically attend classes .

  14. 如果费尔奇想通过快速念咒函授课程来学习魔法,那他肯定是个哑炮。

    If Filch 's trying to learn magic from a Kwikspell course , I reckon he must be a Squib .

  15. 我想说服你的员工购买我的函授课程材料,课程是关于为何给他们的工作再加把火。

    I 'd like to talk to your men and sell them my correspondence course on how to put fire and sparkle into their work .

  16. 然而,在担心大学命运的时候,我们不能忽视传统课堂的独特优势&正是这些优势,使得课堂教育抵挡住了历史上的无数次创新,例如函授课程或电视大学等。

    To worry about the fate of universities , however , you have to overlook the unique advantages of the traditional classroom & advantages that have allowed residential education to withstand numerous innovations in the past , from correspondence courses to television academies .

  17. 然而,在担心大学命运的时候,我们不能忽视传统课堂的独特优势——正是这些优势,使得课堂教育抵挡住了历史上的无数次创新,例如函授课程或电视大学等。

    To worry about the fate of universities , however , you have to overlook the unique advantages of the traditional classroom - advantages that have allowed residential education to withstand numerous innovations in the past , from correspondence courses to television academies .

  18. 体育函授本科课程改革的思考

    The Thought on Reformation in Physical Education Correspondence Undergraduate Courses

  19. 编辑和校对的函授学习课程

    Distance learning courses in editing and proof reading

  20. 体育教育专业函授体操课程目标与教学内容交互效应的评价与分析

    Assessment and analysis of interaction between curriculum goals and teaching content of gymnastics correspondence education of physical education major

  21. 高等函授教育特色课程体系的构建

    On the Construction of the Course System of Higher Education by Correspondence

  22. 远程学习是一种特殊的开放式学习,在这种学习形式下,指导教师和学习者相隔遥远。有时也称为“函授教育”或者“函授课程”。

    The concept of distance learning is not a new one .