
hán ɡào
  • inform by letter
函告 [hán gào]
  • [inform by letter] 用书信告知

  1. 对我们的服务如有不满,请函告经理。

    If you are dissatisfied with our service , please write to the manager .

  2. 如你方同意我们的建议,请来函告知。

    Please advise by return if you agree to our proposal .

  3. 静候贵公司来函告知上述商品的销售情况。

    We await to receive your good information as to their sale .

  4. 我们一收到礼物应立即函告致谢。

    We should always acknowledge gifts as soon as we receive them .

  5. 特此函告,请尽快更新!

    Hereby this letter , please update your records accordingly .

  6. 请寄来贵公司的商品目录并将租赁条件函告。

    Please send me your catalogue and terms and conditions for leasing .

  7. 请你做我婚礼的傧相,详情函告。

    Request your service batsmen my wedding letter follow .

  8. 旅行社就我们度假预约之事,函告我们。

    The travel agents wrote to us in connection with our holiday booking .

  9. 母亲于昨晚安全到达,详情函告。

    Mother arrive safely last night letter follow .

  10. 特此函告贵公司我双方合作能否建立。

    We write you in order to ascertain whether cooperation in business could be established .

  11. 关于费用等细节将在你方具体要求时函告。

    Other details as regard expenses and so on will be given upon specific request .

  12. 如贵公司对此货还有何要求,请参阅第555号目录并来函告知,为荷。

    Shall you wish to write us concerning this order , please refer to No.555 .

  13. 关于货品价格和品质一事,请来函告知。

    Please let us have details as to the price and quality of the goods .

  14. 请把结果函告我们。

    Please write us the result .

  15. 亲爱的陈女士:感谢贵方来函告知你方新产品。

    Dear Ms. Chen , It was a pleasure to inform us of your new products .

  16. 谢谢来函告知我方六月2-7日格林先生的来访。

    Thank you for your letter informing us of Mr. Green 's visit during June 2-7 .

  17. 本公司极为乐意知悉,此批货物是否合于贵公司的意愿,请来函告知。

    We should be greatly obliged if you would inform us whether these goods are suitable for your purposes .

  18. 本公司将于2月10日改为股份有限公司,谨此函告。

    This is to acquaint you that our business will be turned into a limited company of February 10th .

  19. 我们改进的铝焊接法最近获得专利权,特此函告。

    This letter is to inform you that we have lately obtained a patent for an improved method of aluminum soldering .

  20. 如蒙贵方函告最优惠的交易条件及有关贵公司资信情况,我们不胜感激。

    We shall be pleased to have you inform us of your best terms and conditions , and also your references .

  21. <回信>尊敬的先生/小姐谢谢来函告知我方六月2-7日格林先生的来访。

    Dear Mr. / Ms , Thank you for your letter informing us of Mr. Green 's visit during June 2-7 .

  22. 我方的飞机新型推进系统已获专利权,特此函告。

    This letter is to inform you that we have lately obtained a patent for a new type propulsion system for aircraft .

  23. 尊敬的李先生:感谢贵方3月9日来函告知我方你们的新产品。

    Dear Mr. Li , Thanks for your letter dated March 9 ; we greatly appreciate your telling us your new products .

  24. 如您确能参加,请来函告知您抵达的时间以便我们为您安排会晤。

    Please confirm that you will be able to attend by advising us of & we can arrange for you to be met .

  25. 我方已于本日将下列货物委托东京铁路货运公司运往贵处,运费已付,特此函告。

    We advise you that we have this day send by the tokyo railway to your address the goods specify below , carriage pay .

  26. 关于付款条件,请贵方定夺并函告,我当尽力照办。

    As to payment , I will is quite prepare to meet your wish whenever possible and you will kindly state these when reply .

  27. 本报盘以我方确认为准。如你方认可接受,请尽早函告我们。

    This offer is subject to our confirmation . If You find it acceptable , let us have your reply as soon as possible .

  28. 一旦注册批准,交易所将函告注册申请企业、全体会员、指定交割仓库。

    As soon as the registration application is approved , the exchange shall notify the applying enterprise , all members and the designated delivery warehouse by letter .

  29. 自六月一号起本公司的营业将由本人自止主持,地址稳定,特此函告。

    I have the pleasure to announce that the business of the firm will , from June1st , be carried on by myself at the same address .

  30. 本公司股东年会,将于3月1日在银行家俱乐部召开,特此函告。

    Notice is hereby given that the annual general meeting of the shareholders of our company will be held at the Bankers ' Club on Mar. 1 .