
  • 网络Export Credit
  1. 第四部分针对加入WTO后我国对外经济贸易环境的变化,探究其对出口信用保险的影响与要求。

    The third chapter : the alteration of Chinese trade environment and the affection to Chinese export credit insurance .

  2. 文章从出口信用保险在对外贸易中的作用入手,提出了我国在加入WTO后出口信用保险的具体发展策略。

    With an analysis of the role the export credit insurance plays , this paper suggests some strategies for China 's development of this insurance .

  3. WTO框架下我国出口信用保险问题与对策

    On the Credit Insurance of China 's Export under the Framework of the WTO

  4. 基于SCP范式论我国出口信用保险业的有效竞争

    Workable Competition in Export Credit Insurance in China Based on SCP Paradigm

  5. 出口信用保险作为为数不多的WTO允许的政策性金融工具之一,能够为中小企业提供直接的融资便利,并且为银行和保险业的合作开拓了崭新的道路,理应得到大力发展。

    As a WTO allows financial policy tool , it can provide direct financing facilities , and develop a brand-new path for the banking and insurance industry .

  6. 官方出口信用机构(OfficialExportCreditAgency)是一国为促进本国商品出口、鼓励本国企业开展跨国投资经营而设立的准政府机构。

    The Official Export Credit Agency is a quasi-government financial institution , which is set up for the sake of promoting export as well as encouraging oversea investment .

  7. 第五章,采用实证分析的方法,引入X银行出口信用保险项下的国际贸易融资实例,来具体说明X银行在具体操作上如何防范风险。

    Chapter V , using empirical analysis methods , cite an X Bank export credit insurance , international trade financing instance , to specify the specific operation on X bank to guard against risks .

  8. 我国加入WTO后,面临更加激烈的国际竞争,发展及完善出口信用保险,有利于提高出口企业国际竞争力,促进我国对外贸易的发展。

    After entering WTO , enterprises are facing fiercer international competition . So developing and perfecting export credit insurance is beneficial to improve the international competitiveness of export enterprise and promote our country 's foreign trade .

  9. 私营保险公司,国家出口信用机构以像MIGA一样的多边机构都为企业提供应对政治风险的保障。

    Private insurers , national export-credit agencies and multilateral bodies like MIGA offer businesses cover against political shocks .

  10. 在法国,开办出口信用保险的公司是COFACE。

    In French , the export credit insurance agency is COFACE .

  11. 本文最后利用Black-Scholes期权定价模型计算出国家风险费率作为出口信用保险机构评价国家经济风险的一个重要参考指标,并对我国及智利在不同担保水平下的国家风险费率水平进行了对比分析。

    Finally the article makes use of Black-Scholes option pricing model to calculate the overall country risk index , and then analyzes the country risk level of China and Chile under different guarantee levels .

  12. 在1991年,它停止提供短期出口信用担保,将该业务剥离给目前私有的Atradius。

    In1991 it stopped providing short-term export-credit guarantees , spinning off the business to what is now the privately owned Atradius .

  13. 第二章、我国发展出口信用保险的必要性。

    The necessity to develop export credit insurance in our country .

  14. 出口信用保险是企业出口的护航者。

    The export credit guarantee is the escort of export enterprises .

  15. 出口信用保险经营模式及中国取向研究

    Study on Export Credit Insurance Operating Mode and China 's Orientation

  16. 第三章我国出口信用保险的现状。

    Chapter III : Review of our national Export Credit Insurance .

  17. 新贸易环境下我国出口信用保险的发展策略

    Developing Strategy of Chinese Export Credit Insurance in New Trade Environment

  18. 出口信用保险的新发展及中国实际

    New Development of Exporting Credit Insurance and China 's Status Quo

  19. 综合服务保单〔香港出口信用保险局〕

    Comprehensive Services Policy [ Hong Kong Export Credit Insurance Corporation ]

  20. 重视出口信用保险促进出口贸易发展

    Paying attention to export credit insurance to advance export trade

  21. 出口信用保险;法律制度;国际贸易。

    Export credit insurance ; Legal system ; International trade .

  22. 利用出口信用保险防范企业出口信用风险

    Using Export Credit Insurance Defense Credit Risk of Enterprises Export

  23. 出口信用保险诞生于19世纪欧洲,在不断发展中形成不同的经营模式。

    In the 19th century , export credit insurance bourgeoned in Europe .

  24. 我国农产品出口信用保险问题探讨

    Probe into Credit Insurance about China 's Farm Products Export

  25. 对温州企业利用出口信用保险抵御金融风暴的探讨

    Probing into Wenzhou enterprise using export credit insurance to prevent financial turbulence

  26. 出口信用保险扶持发展资金管理办法

    Administration Measures of Funds for Developing and Supporting Credit Insurance on Export

  27. 云南信保业后来者居上&访中国出口信用保险公司云南分公司总经理林斌先生

    Export Credit & Insurance Industry in Yunnan : Latecomers Surpass the Old-timers

  28. 企业经营海外风险控制的最佳选择&访中国出口信用保险公司总经理唐若昕

    The Best Choice of Controlling Overseas Operation Risk for Enterprises

  29. 出口信用保险在国际贸易中的作用

    The Function of Export - Credit Insurance in International Trade

  30. 出口信用保险经营模式的比较研究。

    Comparative research on managerial pattern of export credit insurance .