
  1. 卫生部、质检总局关于加强医用特殊物品出入境卫生检疫管理的通知硅通常是通过共蒸发来加入的。

    Circular of the Ministry of Health , the General Administration of Quality Supervision , Inspection and Quarantine of the People 's Republic of China , on Further Strengthening Administration of Entry and Exit Health Quarantine of Special Medical Articles Silicon is usually added by co-evaporation .

  2. 湖南口岸出入境特殊物品卫生检疫监管工作分析和探讨

    Analysis and discussion on the administration of entry and exit health quarantine on special goods at Hunan frontier port

  3. 本表所填内容真实,保证严格遵守出入境特殊物品卫生检疫的有关规定,特此声明。

    I declare that all above is true , and I will scrupulously abide by all the rules of the import / export special articles of health and quarantine .

  4. 目的探讨出入境旅客携带物卫生检疫查验模式,更有效地防止各类传染病的传入传出,保护人民身体健康。

    Objective To discuss the mode of quarantine and inspection on entry-exit baggage to prevent the spreading of infectious diseases more effectively .

  5. 方法对出入境旅客携带物卫生检疫查验工作的实际情况进行调查研究,寻找其中存在的问题与不足,并结合山东口岸旅检工作实际对旅客携带物检疫查验工作的对策进行探讨。

    Methods To survey and analyze the actual situation of quarantine and inspection on baggage of entry-exit passengers , find out the shortage and problem of the work , discuss the reasonable mode of quarantine and inspection .