
  • 网络Van Gogh;vincent van gogh
  1. 再论凡高绘画中的情感因素

    Talking again about Emotional Factors in the Paintings of Van Gogh

  2. 凡高的画因出价未达拍卖底价而收回

    The van gogh fail to reach its reserve and is withdraw

  3. 凡高对马蒂斯和其他20世纪艺术的实验者们有很大的影响。

    Van Gogh greatly influenced Matisse and other experimenters of20th centwy art .

  4. 凡高的作品让我惊呆了。

    I was so stunned by the works of VanGogh .

  5. 想想德加爱伦坡,文森特凡高,迈克尔杰克逊。

    Think Edgar Allan Poe , Vincent Van Gogh , Michael Jackson .

  6. 凡高的任何一幅画都值一大笔钱。

    Any painting by Van Gogh is worth a fortune .

  7. 在巴黎凡高的作品变得更加青春洋溢。

    Van Gogh 's work became more youthful in Paris .

  8. 凡高画的是向日葵,我画的是雏菊。

    Van Gogh painted sunflowers . I paint daisies .

  9. 她得到了凡高的一幅原作。

    She acquired an original painting by van gogh .

  10. 凡高的艺术作品在他的有生之年并未得到赏识。

    The art of Van Gogh was not appreciated during his own lifetime .

  11. 当莫奈变成凡高时,爱情变成了崇拜。

    When Monet becomes VanGogh , love becomes worship .

  12. 凡高患有突发性受迫害妄想症。

    Van Gogh suffered from acute persecution mania .

  13. 凡高发展了个性化的笔法及鲜明、纯色的品位。

    Van Gogh developed a taste for personalized brushwork and brilliant , unmixed colours .

  14. 凡高的展览在哪?

    Where is the exhibit of gogh ?

  15. 别跟我解释你们丢了凡高的画。

    Please tell me you ` re not going to justify losing the van gogh .

  16. 哪里展出凡高的作品?

    Where is the van Gogh exhibit ?

  17. 印象派大师&文森特·凡高

    An Impressionist & Vincent Van Gogh

  18. 博物馆正在设法筹集足够的资金以购买一幅凡高的画。

    The museum is trying to raise enough money to purchase a painting by Van Gogh .

  19. 如果我们任何事情都没有勇气尝试,人生还有什么意义。&凡高

    What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything ? & Vincent Van Gogh

  20. 在伦敦凡高面临着他的头一个重大危机:他失恋了。

    In London Van Gogh faced his first major crisis , when he was rejected in love .

  21. 然后,他们发现其他两幅凡高画中暗影区域具有同样的化学属性。

    They then found the same chemical signature in the darkened areas of two van Gogh paintings .

  22. 当那位有名的荷兰画家凡高还活着的时候,没有人要买他的画。

    When the famous Dutch painter Vincent Van Gogh was alive , nobody wanted to buy his pictures .

  23. 凡高留下了哈巴狗小狗的完美地点小睡的伸展出一春。

    Van Gogh left the perfect spot for a pug puppy to stretch out for a spring nap .

  24. 凡高抬自己的,必降为卑;降卑自己的,必升为高。

    And he who will exalt himself shall be humbled , and he who will humble himself shall be exalted .

  25. 1886年凡高永远地离开了荷兰取道安特卫普前往巴黎,他的艺术风格也发生了重大的变化。

    In 1886 Van Gogh left Holland forever and traveled via Antwerp to Paris , and to major changes in artistic style .

  26. 据说凡高先生是在星期二(11月2日)白天骑车穿过阿姆斯特丹的一条街道时被开枪射中,然后被刺身亡的。

    Mr van Gogh was reportedly shot and stabbed to death as he cycled in broad daylight through an Amsterdam street on tuesday .

  27. 提奥凡高选择和很多人作战,包括我自己,但是这是我国人民的正当权利。他补充说。

    Theo van Gogh picked fights with many people , myself included , but that is a right in this country , he added .

  28. 一直以来,凡高常被认为是一个天才的疯子,他作品风格的大胆与狂放来自其精神的癫狂和错乱。

    Since continuously , Vincent Van Gogh has been regarded as a talented lunatic , which speaks for the boldness and outrage of his paintings .

  29. 为了使生成的绘制图像具有凡高油画的色彩风格,采用了一种颜色转换方法,将特定的艺术原画色彩特征转换到绘制图像上。

    Finally , color transfer technique is adopted to make the color characteristic of the generated image consistent with that of some specified artistic source images .

  30. 他的作品就和凡高的作品在同一间屋子里,但直到有人告诉我那就是毕加索的画我才真正注意到。

    His work is in the same room as that of VanGogh , but I had barely noticed it until someone told me that was Picasso .