
  • 网络Verdun;Battle of Verdun
  1. 但是连续在野外露营三天之后,我就感觉受不了了。特别是最后一夜在凡尔登(Verdun)附近的LeForetduMortHomme度过,翻译成英文就是“死人森林”。

    But after three consecutive nights of camping out I 'd had enough , especially since the last had been spent near Verdun in Le Foret du Mort Homme , which translates as Dead Man 's Forest .

  2. 1916年2月法国军队在凡尔登进行抵抗。

    In February 1916 the French Army made a stand at Verdun .

  3. 谁参加了1916年的凡尔登战役?

    Who fought at the Battle of Verdun in1916 ?

  4. 在凡尔登战役,法国部队抗击了德国的一次进攻。

    At the Battle of Verdun , French forces stopped a German attack .

  5. 1914年9月22日,福涅尔中尉率领连队进入凡尔登南面的丛林。

    On September 22nd 1914 Lieutenant Fournier led his company into woods south of Verdun .

  6. 1916年的今天,法国在一战中的凡尔登战役击败德国。

    On Dec.15,1916 , the French defeated the Germans in the World War I Battle of Verdun .

  7. 今天的斯大林格勒之战,比起第一次世界大战时的凡尔登来,有性质的不同。

    The battle of Stalingrad is different in nature from the battle of Verdun in World War I.

  8. 凡尔登战役1916年的今天,法国在一战中的凡尔登战役击败德国。

    Battle of Verdun 1916 - the French defeated the Germans in the World War I Battle of Verdun .

  9. 他说,在这一历史时刻,在凡尔登也为了凡尔登,法国人知道了如何团结。

    In the moment of history , at Verdun and for Verdun , he said , France knew how to unite .

  10. 经过一个时期的内战,查理曼的三个孙子在凡尔登条约843同意表决的帝国。

    After a period of civil war , Charlemagne 's three grandsons agreed a division of the Empire in the Treaty of Verdun in843 .

  11. 第一次世界大战结束于一九一八年冬,在一九一六年,德军曾向法国要塞凡尔登举行数度的进攻。

    In1916 the German forces launched several attacks on the French fortress of verdun , two years before World War I ended in the winter of1918 .

  12. 斯大林格勒之战,英美报纸比之为凡尔登战役,“红色凡尔登”之名已传遍于世界。

    The battle of Stalingrad has been compared by the British and American press to the battle of verdun , and the " red verdun " is now famous all over the world .