
Empirical Study on Net Purchase Rate of China Open-end Funds
However , the influence of the net request / redeem to its tracking error is not very clearly .
In a bull market , the rate of fund inflows and the proportion of fund cash holdings has positive correlation ; however , the correlation is negative in oscillation market . 2 .
Also , a panel data model is adopted to analyze the impact of investment performance , return volatility , unit dividend , fund size , fund expense , market yield and capital cost of investment on the net purchasing rate of open-end fund .
First , I applied DEA method and got conversion efficiency scores from annual inputs , outputs data of open-end funds , and considered the effects of relative performance of DEA on investors ' net redemption , purchase , redemption .
Major finding is that the net fund redemptions are positively related to performance , and fund purchase , redemption are negatively correlated with fund performance , and abnormal net redemption is due to abnormal purchase ,, not due to abnormal Redemption .