
  1. 守护好自己的一方艺术净地

    Guarding " the pure land " of our art better

  2. 不论社会如何变化,这些坚持信仰基督的人将与其它保持传统道德的人保留一块道德净地。

    That believing community will continue as the righteous remnant along with moralists of other categories who simply keep to the traditional decency regardless of societal changes .

  3. 因为他居然能够从他俩的共同世界中一千二净地抽身出去,却把她留在黑暗中摸索,虽伸出她冰冷的双手,却遍寻他而不得见。

    - for being able so completely to withdraw himself from their mutual world ; while she groped darkly , and stretched forth her cold hands , and found him not .

  4. 雅枫行政酒廊位于酒店十一层。它不单是一处为贤商风雅人士特设的高尚商务谈判场所,也是您品位生活的休闲净地。

    Lafonte Executive lounge is on the11th floor , the lounge is not only for honorable guests to negotiate some business , but also a leisure site for you to enjoying life .

  5. 对于这聒噪不已的警告和咒骂中所流露的那种心情,对于这受惊的鸟儿在看到生人侵入其林中净地时胸中突然而生的盛怒,我有时也有深深的同感。

    There are times when I am intensely in sympathy with the feeling expressed in this earsplitting warning and execration , the startled solitary 's outburst of uncontrolled rage at the abhorred sight of a fellow-being in his woodland haunt .

  6. 通过FAO世界油菜贸易数据分析,得出近年来世界油菜籽、菜籽油、菜籽饼贸易旱现出三个特点,一是北美洲是油菜籽的净出口地,亚洲是油菜籽的净进口地;

    By the analysis of FAO data on rapeseed trade , the characteristics of rapeseed , rape oil and rape cake trades were showed . First , North America was the net export area and Asia was the net import area .

  7. 全球最大的上市石油公司埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)表示,随着北美产量增长,而美国和加拿大需求停滞,北美可能在未来十年成为液态燃料的净出口地。

    North America is likely to be a net exporter of liquid fuels in the next decade , as production grows while demand in the US and Canada stagnates , according to ExxonMobil , the world 's largest listed oil company .

  8. 尼泊尔,一个神圣的地方,历史上瑜珈修行者的福地,是瑜珈静修的理想空净之地。

    Nepal provides an idle environment for yoga retreat as it is a holy place , blessed by yogis of the past .

  9. 阿布拉菲亚先生在书中阐明,地中海地区在大多数的历史阶段都是经济力和文化力的净输出地。

    In most phases of history , Mr Abulafia shows , the Mediterranean was a net exporter of economic and cultural might .

  10. 因此,应提升农村人力资本投资主体的层次,中央财政应该加大对劳务净输出地的公共基础教育、人力资源开发及公共卫生服务方面的支持力度。

    Therefore , the level of the investor of the rural human capital should be enhanced , and the central government should intensify its support for the basically public education , the development of human resource and the public health service in the net-flow-out areas .

  11. 他说,他希望中粮集团成为一家国际性企业,并提到他计划在巨大的谷物净出口生产地北美洲拓展业务。

    He said he wanted Cofco to be an international company , adding that he planned to expand in North America , a big surplus grain producer .

  12. 总资产增加地越快,净利润下滑地越多,与资产总额基础相同的天津港发展趋于反向。

    The faster the total assets increase , the further net profit slip . And this is the opposite development direction as compared with Tianjin Port which has equivalent gross assets .

  13. 资产价格的非预期变化使一国对外净资产更多地暴露于资本收益和损失风险中,因此,如何实现有利于一国外部均衡的估值效应就显得日益重要。

    Investors and countries are much more exposed to capital gains and losses owing to unanticipated changes of asset prices , so valuation effects in external adjustment play a more important role than ever before .

  14. 佛教传到中国后,奉琉璃至宝,“药师琉璃光如来”所居的“东方净土”,即以净琉璃为地,光照“天地人”三界之暗。

    Buddhism spread to China , from the crown of glass ," pharmacist optical glass Nyorai " by the UN ," the Oriental Land ", that is , for a net of glass , light ," Heaven , Earth ," three realms of dark .