
dònɡ jié zī jīn
  • Freeze funds;frozen capital
  1. 首次发行新股(IPOs)的高名义回报、低实际收益、低风险约束、巨额冻结资金、高换手率一直是我国资本市场的一个显著特点,大大降低了市场运行效率和资源配置效率。

    High nominal returns , low real returns , little risk , great oversubscription and high turnover of Initial Public Offerings ( IPOs ) are long-standing distinguishing features of Chinese capital markets , which damage the market efficiency and the resource allocation efficiency .

  2. 违反规定查询账户或者申请冻结资金的;

    Violating the requirements in inquiring about the banking accounts or applying for freezing them ;

  3. 查找并冻结资金是一回事,但接下来还要把资金充公和汇回原国。

    It is one thing to find and freeze the money , but the next step is to confiscate the funds and repatriate them .

  4. 今年10月,意大利一家法庭裁决梵蒂冈银行的上诉败诉。梵蒂冈银行希望解冻上述被冻结资金。

    In October , an Italian court ruled against an appeal by the Vatican , which had been seeking the release of the frozen funds .

  5. 此次上调后以国有银行计算的准备金率水平已达21%,预计将一次性冻结资金3700亿元左右。

    After this increase , the level of the reserve ratio calculation of state-owned banks has reached 21 % , the freezing of funds is expected about 370 billion RMB .

  6. 他们将其总资产中10%的另类投资削减到了9%,但如果不是一些对冲基金冻结资金撤退,这一比例的下降可能会更大。

    They trimmed their investment in alternative assets from 10 per cent to 9 per cent of their total holdings , though the fall might have been steeper but for the fact that some hedge funds froze withdrawals .

  7. 联合国教科文组织年度预算将近四分之一是由华盛顿提供的,华盛顿冻结资金使这个机构陷入了资金困境。

    Washington contributes nearly a quarter of UNESCO 's annual budget , and its funding freeze has left the agency strapped for cash . Among other areas , UNESCO oversees world cultural heritage sites and educational and scientific exchanges .

  8. 这意味着在售出之前,库存冻结的资金更少。

    It means that less money is tied up in stock ( normally on credit ) before it can be sold on .

  9. 美朝政府就澳门汇业银行冻结朝鲜资金问题达成共识。

    The United States and the North Korean Government have reached understanding on the disposition of DPRK related funds frozen at Banco Delta Asia .

  10. 如果你这样做了,银行会冻结我的资金。

    If you do it like that , the bank will tie up my money .

  11. 我爸爸把我钱断了他冻结了我的资金

    My dad cut me off . He froze all my funds .