
lěng hàn
  • cold sweat
冷汗 [lěng hàn]
  • [cold sweat] 因紧张、惊惧或疾病等导致汗出而自觉有冷感

  • 吓了一身冷汗

冷汗[lěng hàn]
  1. 梦中的面试情景吓得我在一身冷汗中惊醒。

    I woke up in a cold sweat about the interview .

  2. 他突然冒出一身冷汗。

    He broke out in a cold sweat .

  3. 一想到这我就一身冷汗。

    The very thought brought me out in a cold sweat .

  4. 他从睡梦中醒来,浑身冒着冷汗。

    He awoke from his sleep in a cold sweat .

  5. 谁进得龙王庙不捏一把冷汗?

    No one came into Dragon King Temple without breaking into a cold sweat .

  6. 她吓得浑身直冒冷汗。

    She was so scared that she broke out in a cold sweat .

  7. 我出了一身冷汗。

    I came out in cold sweat .

  8. 当他听到被解雇的消息时,额头上冒出了冷汗。

    When he heard the news that he was fired , he broke out in a sweat on his forehead .

  9. 当我想到无人返回来救我时,我吓出了一身冷汗。

    When I thought that no one was coming back to save me , I broke out in a cold sweat .

  10. M听到之后吓出了一身冷汗。

    M was nearly scared to death when he heard this .

  11. 看到这种情况,列御寇吓得全身直流冷汗,瘫在地上。

    Seeing the scene , Liu Yukou was so scared that he sweated all over and fell to the ground .

  12. 如果想到数学测验会让你出一身冷汗,你的爸妈可能要承担些责任。

    If the thought of a math test makes you break out in a cold sweat , Mom or Dad may be partly to blame .

  13. 获得奥斯卡奖(AcademyAward)最佳纪录短片提名的几部片子所用的拍摄器材,看上去跟你带去海滩的那种设备差不多――其标价签也不会让你出身冷汗。

    A few of the short-documentary Academy Award nominees were made with cameras that look like something you might bring to the beach -- with price tags that won 't send you into a sweat .

  14. 这部恐怖电影把我吓出一身冷汗。

    E.g.This honor movie made me break out in a sweat .

  15. 经常大半夜的出冷汗

    You know . Cold sweats . Middle of the night .

  16. 她的丈夫却出了一身冷汗,正计划盘算着自己的逃跑路线。

    Her husband was sweating and planning his escape route . '

  17. 弗兰士觉得他的额头上已经开始冒出冷汗来了。

    Franz felt the perspiration start forth upon his brow .

  18. 他出了一身冷汗(如由於恐惧)。

    He broke out in a cold sweat , eg through fear .

  19. 出冷汗了没有,你会慢慢习惯的。

    Don 't sweat it , you 'll get used to it .

  20. 这时的我后背直冒冷汗,我问:“他没事吧?”

    Going cold inside , I asked ," Will he be okay ?"

  21. 他坐起来,他的身体被冷汗浸湿了。

    He sat up , his body awash in a cold sweat .

  22. 心脏猛地一跳,我醒了,吓出了一身冷汗。

    My heart jumped and I woke uo i a cold swest .

  23. 被吓醒后,全身发抖,冒冷汗。

    I was so frightened that I woke up trembling and perspiring .

  24. 他的嗓音使我捏了一把冷汗。

    The sound of his voice put me in a cold sweat .

  25. 伊恩被警察讯问时吓出了一身冷汗。

    Ian was in a cold sweat when the policeman questioned him .

  26. 然后我被吓醒,浑身冷汗。

    And I wake up with the fucking sweats , you know ?

  27. 想想钱的问题,我吓出一身冷汗。

    Thinking about money makes me break out in a cold sweat !

  28. 一想到飞机,我就浑身冒冷汗。

    On thinking of plane , I was very cold .

  29. 听到那个可怕的声音,他吓出了一身冷汗。

    He sweated a cold sweat at the terrible noise .

  30. 只要一想起蛇我就会突然间浑身冒冷汗。

    I break out into a cold sweat merely thinking about snakes .