
  • 网络metallurgical physical chemistry;Physical Chemistry of Metallurgy;Physic-chemistry of Metallurgy
  1. 冶金物理化学课依据炼铁试点专业培养目标,按照必需、够用的原则,构建了专业基础课课程体系,改进了教学方法。

    According to the development objective of ironmaking pilot major and the principle of necessity and sufficiency , the course system of metallurgical physical chemistry is constructed and the teaching methods are improved .

  2. 冶金物理化学教学方法的探讨与实践

    To explore how to teach metallurgical physical chemistry and its practice

  3. 该系统将人工神经网络、分类模式识别技术和有关冶金物理化学知识相结合,建立了优化数学模型,以C语言和多媒体技术实现程序设计。

    In this system , ANN , classification pattern recognition techniques and concerned knowledge about metallurgic physical chemistry are combined to obtain an optimization mathematical model . Turbo C and multimedia techniques are used for programming .

  4. 本文从冶金物理化学中Gibbs自由能方法开始,在用于金属凝固过程模拟方法的基础上,推导出在管理科学中适用的评价函数方法,及其应用方法。

    Based on the Gibbs free energy method used in the simulation of solidification process , a valuation function method is setup and used in simulation of management science .

  5. 冶金物理化学发展趋势及优先研究方向

    The development trends and prior research areas in physico-chemistry of process metallurgy

  6. 冶金物理化学课程建设调查分析

    On Investigation and Analysis of Metallurgical Physicochemistry Course Construction

  7. 有色冶金物理化学学科领域的开拓者与教育家

    Pioneer and educationist in physical chemistry of metallurgy

  8. 过渡族金属是合金钢熔渣中的重要组元,其氧化物的热力学信息是冶金物理化学领域研究的重点。

    The thermodynamics of molten slags is an important area in the field of process metallurgy .

  9. 砷的冶金物理化学属性及其对钢热轧过程的影响

    The Physico - chemical Characteristics of Arsenic in Metallurgical Process and Their Influence on the Steel During the Hot Rolling

  10. 初步研究了锰硅合金冶炼原理和炉渣组分对炉渣冶金物理化学性质的影响。

    The principle of metallurgical of ferromanganese silicon and the influences slag composition on pyrometallurgy performance of slag have preliminary studied .

  11. 笔者采用冶金物理化学、炼铁学、炼钢学方法结合系统安全分析方法,现场调查、分析了钢铁企业的生产、安全现状;

    The work safety state of iron and steel plants in China is investigated and analyzed by use of physical chemistry in metallurgy , metallurgy and system safety analysis methods .

  12. 但目前直接金属激光烧结的研究仍处于起步阶段,对其中涉及的金属粉体材料制备与表征、工艺控制与优化、及烧结过程冶金物理化学理论等都有待深入探讨。

    However , DMLS is still in its early stage of development . Significant further research and understanding are required in the aspects of materials preparation and characterization , process control and optimization , and theories of physical and chemical metallurgy involved in DMLS .

  13. 就诱导、发展学生兴趣,注重能力培养,引入反馈&强化矫正措施等教学法进行了浅析,并探讨了其在冶金物理化学课教学中的应用。

    The teaching methods of how to induce and develop students ' interest , laying stress on developing students ' ability , applying feedback and strengthening rectification are briefly analyzed and how to apply them to the teaching of metallurgical physical chemistry is explored in this paper .

  14. 全国第五届冶金过程物理化学年会

    5th All-China Annual Conference on physicochemistry of metallurgical process held in Xian

  15. 电弧焊接是涉及材料、冶金、物理化学变化等多因素交互作用的复杂过程。

    Arc welding is a complex process which involves interactions of materials , metallurgy and physical chemistry .

  16. 本文从大厂金城江冶炼厂生产工艺和铅锑在冶金过程中物理化学性能,说明铅锑合金精炼的必要性和困难性。

    According to the technology of Jincheng chang metallurgical plant and physico-chemical properties of Sb and Pb in the metallurgical process , the paper describes necessity and difficulty for separation of Sb from Sb-Pb alloys .

  17. 评述几种典型的贵金属合金材料的物理冶金方法,讨论影响材料冶金质量的物理化学因素。

    He methods of physical metallurgy have been reviewed for various kinds of typical materials of precious metals , and the physicochemical fsctors effecting the quality of materials have been also discussed .