This paper analyzes the decision art of the administrator .
On the Decision Art of the Administrator
We should take the advantage of sophistic dynamic decision-making art to improve the quick-responding capability in the battlefield , and conduct swift command relying on the automatic command system .
Library management art is creative , flexible and diverse , which includes decision-making art , arranging personnel art , using authority art , dealing with affair art , arranging time art , speaking art , holding a meeting art , encouraging others art , coordinating relationship art , etc.
A Study on Characteristics of Cognitive Styles of Science and Arts Students and Their Preferred Input Modes
The art in policy-making is to design these protections with minimal adverse impacts on mobility and efficiency , the underpinning of the job-creation engine .
Strategy management can be determined as : the art and science span all function to determine , implement , evaluate that makes an organization to reach its goal .
Third , through the questionnaire investigation , it points out that during the study of presidents ' value actualization , we should put emphasis on the following aspects : presidents ' part orientation , authority and force , decision ability and management art .
In order to improve own decision art and decision level , an administrator not only knows and grasps the procedure of the decision thinking but also experiences and observes it carefully and uses it proficiently in the working management .