
jué cè jī zhì
  • decision mechanism
  1. Petri网在现代企业决策机制中的应用

    Study on Decision Mechanism of Modern Firm with Petri Net

  2. 论文研究结果对建立实际半Markov系统的鲁棒决策机制具有一定理论和应用价值。

    The research results of this thesis have certain theoretical and practical value in establishing robust decision mechanism of some real semi-Markov systems .

  3. 一种基于D-S理论的多Agent合作决策机制

    A multi-agent cooperative decision-making mechanism based on D-S theory

  4. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)的内部决策机制由份额和投票权所构成。

    The decision-making mechanism of the IMF is composed of quota and voting right .

  5. 针对多Agent多议题协商模型内部的学习、决策机制能力的提高问题,对比了多种已经存在的协商Agent学习算法和决策模型。

    Feasibility analysis about enhancing the ability of the Agent decision-making model was showed after the survey of the existing learning algorithms and decision-making models .

  6. 第五章着眼于经济全球化背景下WTO决策机制和争端解决机制的现实与发展。

    Chapter 5 will focus on the reality and development of WTO decision-making and judgment system in the circumstance of economic globalization .

  7. 比利时和瑞士的研究者在《科学》(Science)杂志上描述了这种灭蟑机器人的首次使用情况。这种机器人可以影响昆虫的群体决策机制,从而诱引其产生异常行为模式。

    Researchers in Belgium and Switzerland describe in the journal Science the first use of roach-bots to coax insects into unusual forms of behaviour , by influencing their group decision-making .

  8. 第三部分阐述IPO决策机制,包括外部融资时机、定价、承销商的选择和IPO发行程序。

    The third section expounds the IPO decision mechanism including exterior financing opportunities , pricing , underwriter selection and IPO issuing procedure .

  9. WTO决策机制由正式的决策程序和非正式的决策程序组成,近几年来,WTO的决策机制中的“休息室”决策制度越来越受到质疑与批评。

    The WTO decision-making mechanism is composed of formal and informal decision-making procedures . In recent years , the " Green Room " arrangement of the WTO decision-making mechanism is eliciting more and more suspicions and criticisms .

  10. 本文阐述了数据仓库的基本概念,并结合ERP系统的特点,提出了ERP系统数据仓库的系统结构及其关键技术,为正在使用ERP系统的企业建立更高层的决策机制。

    The paper presents the concept of data warehouse , introduces system structure of data warehouse based on ERP and key technologies . It will establish higher lever decision mechanism for using ERP enterprise .

  11. 首先对非政府组织在WTO中的地位进行了分析,然后重点阐述了非政府组织对WTO决策机制和争端解决机制的参与及其对WTO的作用与影响。

    First of all , the status of non-governmental organizations at WTO are analyzed . This part focus on demonstrating the participation of non-governmental organizations in the decision-making mechanism and dispute settlement mechanism of WTO as well as their impact on the WTO .

  12. 从WTO决策机制与国家主权、协商一致机制和投票表决机制三个方面进行了分析,并指出了WTO决策机制的缺陷与不足,旨在为WTO决策机制的改进与完善作出努力。

    In this article , the author make an analysis from the following three aspects : decision-making of WTO and national sovereignty , the system of consensus and that of vote by ballot . In order to improve it , its defects are also presented in this article .

  13. OLAP数据挖掘模型结合了微软分析服务可以访问的数据挖掘和联机分析处理两种决策机制,其创建可以借助挖掘模型向导或利用决策支持对象编程实现。

    OLAP data mining model combines two decision mechanism , data mining and online analytical processing , which can be accessed by Microsoft Analysis Services . Creating OLAP data mining model can be guided by Mining Model Wizard or be realized in programming with decision support objects .

  14. 第四章REITs投资风险控制体系,针对REITs中的投资风险因素,探索构建REITs投资决策机制、实施REITs投资风险管理的途径与方式。

    Chapter 4 " The control system of REITs ' investment risk ", aiming at its investment risk facts , explore to establish the mechanism of the REITs ' investment decision-making , and the way to implement the REITs ' investment risk management .

  15. 相比于其他同样基于集体决策机制的入侵检测系统,MAPIDS节省了更多的网络带宽和电池能耗,并且该系统不存在稀疏节点问题。

    In contrast to other intrusion detection system based on collective decision , MAPIDS saves more bandwidth and energy and it is immune to sparse nodes problem .

  16. 对美国科技决策机制的分析与借鉴

    Analysis and Reference of Science and Technology Decision-making Mechanism of USA

  17. 分析了电子政务对我国政府决策机制的机遇和挑战。

    Analysis of opportunities and challenges of e-government in decision-making mechanism .

  18. 仪器设备管理中专家决策机制的探讨

    Exploration on the Expert Decision - Making Mechanism in Equipment Management

  19. 基于知识的动态调度决策机制研究动态听觉机制的探讨

    A Knowledge-Based Dynamic Scheduling Decision System Research on Dynamic Auditory Mechanism

  20. 完善供给决策机制和农民需求表达机制。

    Perfecting the supplying policy-making mechanism and farmers ' demand-expressing mechanism .

  21. 俄方此言指的是某类共同决策机制。

    By this they mean some sort of joint decision-making mechanism .

  22. 基于多学位识别的学位决策机制的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Decision-making Mechanism Based on Identification of Multi-degree

  23. 企业内部承包的委托决策机制分析

    Mechanism analysis of delegated decision for internal contracts of an enterprise

  24. 不同的事务有不同的决策机制。

    For different matters there are different mechanisms to make decisions .

  25. 重大工程项目决策机制研究

    Research on Decision-Making Mechanism of the Large Scale Engineering Project

  26. 战时日本对外决策机制探析

    On the Process of Determination of Japan 's Foreign Policy in Wartime

  27. 关于余胜煤炭液化基地经营决策机制的设想

    Practical Solutions to Operating and Decision Mechanism of Yusheng Coal Liquefaction Base

  28. 欧洲的移民问题与欧洲一体化&以德国为例欧盟决策机制与欧洲一体化

    European Immigration and European Integration EU 's Decision-making Mechanism and European Integration

  29. 实践中,这些决策机制都暴露出了许多问题。

    Practice , the decision-making mechanisms have revealed some problems .

  30. 论中国行政决策机制的改革和完善

    On the Reform and Perfection of Mechanism of Policy Making