- alluvial fan deposit

The result indicates that the Palaeogene of this area belongs to faulted lake - basin sedimentary system . Mainly developed are fan - delta , deep lake turbidite and calcirudite deposit , and also alluvial fan deposit in early period .
During the initial stage of coal measures deposition , was mainly alluvial fan deposit , middle stage lake delta deposit and later stage lacustrine deposit . Most coal seams in Yanan Formation were formed in peaty moors on lake delta plain .
Alluvial fan deposits in the Kongdian Formation , Huanghua depression
A humid alluvial fan from Upper Jurassic in Minhe basin , northwest China
From Paleocene to Miocene , the sedimentary facies evolved from the extensive alluvial fan to the braided fluvial river environment .
The types of sedimentary system comprised incised river valley filling , lacustrine , incised canyon , sublacustrine fan , delta and alluvial fan .
In the basin , there were some different sedimentary systems-River sedimentary system , lake sedimentary system , the delta sedimentary system , fan delta sedimentary system and alluvial fan sedimentary system .
HsdF developed the fining upward sequences , and alluvial fan in the early stage , floodplain and crevasse splay and fan delta in the middle stage , and lacustrine turbidites in the late stage .
Five sedimentary systems can be divided from bottom to top , they are alluvial fan system , frontal fan wetland and slack meandering river system , alluvial-lake delta system , lake and braided delta ones .
In the basin , from the margin to the center , the facies is developed from alluvial fans , gradually to fan deltas or lakefront facies , shallow water lake facies , half-deep water lake facies ;
It was mainly river sedimentary system in early Jurassic period , lake sedimentary system and delta sedimentary system in middle-later Jurassic period and there are fan delta sedimentary system and alluvial fan sedimentary system in the edge of basin .
Based on the characteristics of rock facies , occurrence of clay minerals and trace elements in mudstones , and early diagenetic mineral assemblage in sandstones , it is indicated that a typical humid alluvial fan in the Upper Jurassic in Minhe basin .
The research shows that the basin developed volcanic rocks , rivers , shallow lake , delta and alluvial fan deposits in Early Cretaceous , and semi-deep to deep lake , shallow lake , delta , river and alluvial fan deposits in late Cretaceous .
The middle member is the gravity slide collapse block and breccia facies-structural movement type alluvial fan facies sediments .
Structures and sedimentary environments of the alluvial fan of the Luan River
The alluvial fan-river sedimentary system evolved upward into a lake sedimentary system and then again gradually evolved into an alluvial fan-river sedimentary system .
The Laojunshan Formation was dispersed over the piedmont and intermountainous basin along the PaleoQilian orogenic belt and is composed of coarse clastic rocks .
And ( 5 ) alluvial fen and alluvial plain .
On the Luanhe River alluvial fan - delta complex