
  • 网络stadial;glacial staircase;lateglacial
  1. 深海氧同位素阶段3对应了孢粉组合带Ⅰb,对应了更新世晚期冰期的间冰阶气候特点。

    Deep-sea oxygen isotope stage 3 corresponds to the sporopollen assemblage ⅰ b , correspond to the late Pleistocene glacial climatic characteristics of the inter-ice bands .

  2. 外流湖期发育于末次冰期晚冰阶,以冰碛为主要特征,此时喜马拉雅山主脊带分水岭北移至现今荡拉山的位置;

    The outflow lake stage , which is characterized by tills , occurred in the late glacial interval of the Last Glacial Maximum , when the watershed of the main ridge zone of the Himalayas shifted northward to the location of present Tangla Mountain .

  3. 冰冻泥流斜坡、千奇百怪的砾石和无植被覆盖的冰冻泥流、各种形式的冰阶和冰坎以及石环和石多边形等,组成了目前冰缘环境的地貌特征。

    We found that there are several remains , like the solifluction on slopes , variously shaped boulders and gelifluction with vegetation covered as well as the different kinds of ice step-cliffs , stone-circles and stone-polygons , they form the present periglacial environment and geomorphological characters .

  4. 环境记录显示,末次冰期间冰阶(即氧同位素3阶段)期间该区呈现出极端冷湿的气候环境。

    Environmental records show that in that area the environment was extremely cold and wet during the interstage of the last glaciation ( deep sea oxygen isotope stage 3 ) .