
  • 网络glacial lake;glacier lake
  1. 湖泊分类:构造湖、火山口湖、冲积残留湖、堰塞湖、冰川湖、喀斯特湖、风成湖、陨石撞击湖和人工湖。

    Types of lakes : tectonic lake , crater lake , fluvial lake , dammed lake , glacier lake , karst lake , Aeolian lake , impact crater lake and artificial lake .

  2. 这些湖造成的洪水冰川湖突发洪水(GLOFs)是不丹严重关切地问题。

    Floods of these lakes glacial lake outburst floods are a serious concern .

  3. 例如,尼泊尔最大的冰川湖TshoRolpa湖位于加德满都附近的Rolwaling山谷,它需要被抽去17米的水才能防止湖泊爆裂。

    For example , Tsho Rolpa , Nepal 's biggest glacial lake in the Rolwaling Valley near Kathmandu , needs to be drained by17 metres to prevent a lake burst .

  4. 冰川湖突发洪水(GLOFs)是不丹和尼泊尔的主要心病。科学家预计在将来,随着气候变暖,这些情况更有可能发生。

    Forecasting glacial lake outburst floods ( GLOFs ) is a major worry for Bhutan and Nepal , with projections indicating that these are likely to increase in the future as a result of climate change .

  5. 此刻,我们正在研究关键的冰川湖,它们增加了尼泊尔下游的脆弱性。

    At the moment , we are studying critical glacial lakes , which increase vulnerabilities downstream in Nepal .

  6. 这幅获奖照片是两个月前,在冰岛最大的冰川湖“冰河湖”上拍摄的。

    The above winning imagewas taken two months ago over J ? kuls á rl ó n , the largest glacial lake in Iceland .

  7. 目前,通过一个荷兰资助的300万美元的项目,尼泊尔已经抽取了3米的水深,把冰川湖突发洪水的可能性降低了20%。

    So far , Nepal has drained it by three metres , reducing the chance of a GLOF by20 per cent , with a US $ 3 million project from the Netherlands .

  8. 国际山地综合发展中心也帮助尼泊尔水利和气象部以及不丹能源部建立了包含两个部分的系统,它们分别为冰川湖突发洪水传感器和对这种洪水的预警系统。

    ICIMOD has also helped Nepal 's Department of Hydrology and Meteorology and Bhutan 's Department of Energy to set up two-part systems comprising a GLOF sensor and a GLOF warning system .

  9. 同时随着全球气候变暖,新疆的暴雨洪水和冰川湖洪水以及融水与暴雨混合洪水发生频次明显增加,但总的干旱背景不会改变。

    At the same time , with the climate becoming warmer in the whole world , the torrential rain , glacial lake flood , the flood with mixture of snowmelt and torrential rain was occurred more frequently , Generally speaking , the climate of Xinjiang still belong to dry .

  10. 我国新疆地区经常发生冰川阻塞湖引起的突发性洪水灾害。

    Xinjiang region is prone to rapid onset flood disaster due to glacier-dammed lake .

  11. 叶尔羌河灾害性突发洪水系由冰川阻塞湖泄洪所致。

    The disastrous flash floods in Yarkand River were caused by the dewatering of glacier-dammed lakes .

  12. 新疆高山地区冰川阻塞湖引起的突发性洪水灾害

    Rapid Onset Flood Disaster due to Glacier-Dammed Lake in Alpine Area , Xinjiang Province , Western China

  13. 近期喀喇昆仑山叶尔羌河冰川阻塞湖突发洪水及冰川变化监测分析

    Monitoring and Analyzing the Glacier Lake Outburst Floods and Glacier Variation in the Upper Yarkant River , Karakoram

  14. 加强对冰川阻塞湖洪水的研究,希望对未来的西部大开发,尤其是基础设施建设和保护起到辅助指导作用。

    It is helpful for the future western development , by studying this kind of flood , especially for the basal establishment construction and protection .

  15. 作者经过实地考察中天山地区与喀喇昆仑山地区,认为这是由于冰川阻塞湖引起的突发性洪水灾害,并且获得关于洪水的第一手资料。

    After doing fieldwork in Tianshan Mountain and Kunlun Mountain , the author finds that outburst flood disaster was induced by glacier-dammed lake , and gets first-hand data about flood .

  16. 冰川终碛湖溃决泥石流流量计算

    Calculation of Discharge of Debris Flow Induced by Glacier Lake Outburst

  17. 气候背景下冰川在博斯腾湖水量平衡中的作用

    Effect of glaciers change to water balance of Lake Bosten under climatic backgrounds

  18. 在溃决洪水研究的基础上,结合泥石流本身的特征,针对瞬间部分溃决的情况,推导了冰川终碛湖溃决泥石流流量的计算方法。

    Of special importance in the study are the discharge and its variation along the runway , including the most parameters for designing the measure against debris flow .

  19. 依据冰湖类型、规模、后方现代冰川与冰湖的距离及冰湖离居民地、公路等设施的距离等,将冰湖溃决分为高危险度、中危险度及低危险度。

    According to their types , scale , distance to modern glacier behind , and distance to residential area and roads , the bursting hazards of the ice lakes were divided into high hazardous , medium hazardous and low hazardous .

  20. 根据英国广播公司消息,法国工程师已经开始为勃朗峰圣热瓦山谷一处冰川下的暗湖“放水”,以消除洪水威胁。

    French engineers have begun to drain a hidden lake under a glacier on Mont Blanc that threatens to flood the Saint Gervais valley , the BBC reported .

  21. 在戈尔德伯格冰川脚下,冰湖是一条最终成为多瑙河一部分的小河的源头。

    And icy lakes sit at the foot of gold-berg glacier , it 's the source for a small river that eventually ends up as part of the Danube .

  22. 结合整个西部地区的冰川分布进行整合分析,发现冰川阻塞湖引起突发性洪水的发生规律。

    By analyzing the distribution of the glacier of western China , the author finds the rules of hte glacier-dammed lake outburst flood .