
  • Glacial climate;【大气】glacioclimate
  1. 多年冻土是埋藏于地表下多年不融化的含冰土层,是古代冰川气候的残留物。

    Permafrost is underground soils containing ice which keep frozen for several years , it is remains of ancient glacial climate .

  2. 我国大陆型山地冰川对气候变化的响应

    The Response of Continental-type Glaciers to Climate Change in China

  3. 冰川与气候关系的研究

    A Study of Relationship Between Climate and Mountain Glaciers

  4. 冰川是气候变化的指示器和储存体,其变化是全球变化的重要指标。

    Glacier is a natural indicator of global change .

  5. 长江源区冰川对气候变化的响应

    Response of Glaciers to Climate Change in the Source Region of the Yangtze River

  6. 冰川是气候的产物,其变化也能反映气候的变化。

    Glacier is a product of climate , and its changes can reflect climate variation .

  7. 天山乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川的气候敏感性研究

    Climate sensitivity of Glacier No.1 at the source of Urumqi River in the Tianshan Mountains

  8. 对欧洲晚冰川极限气候的高分辨率模拟:能解决与大陆古气候重建的偏差吗?

    High-resolution simulations of the last glacial maximum climate over europe : a solution to discrepancies with Continental palaeoclimatic reconstructions ?

  9. 海洋型冰川是气候变化敏感的指示器,冰川的变化对周边地区水资源的供给及区域水文过程具有深刻的影响。

    The monsoonal temperature glacier is sensitive to climate change and is closely related with regional water resource and hydrological processes .

  10. 山地冰川是气候变化的灵敏指示器,在全球变暖大背景下山岳冰川变化已成为当前研究的热门课题。

    Mountain glacier is sensitive indicator to climate change , which makes the research of mountain glacier change become a hot topic in the background of global warming .

  11. 由于区域气候波动和变化的差异性以及冰川对气候变化的敏感性(响应程度)的不同,北半球山地冰川在普遍退缩的背景下具有鲜明的区域特征。

    The glacier mass balance in the mountains of the Northern Hemisphere has a significant regional features owing to the difference of the regional climate variations and the glacier responses to climate changing .

  12. 据预测,如果喜马拉雅山冰川受气候变化的影响而溶化,南亚地区的5亿多人口可能会遭受旱灾和洪灾。

    And more than a billion people in South Asia may eventually be subject to droughts and floods if , as projected , the Himalayan glaciers melt from the effects of climate change .

  13. 据了解,撒哈拉沙漠在更新世最后一个冰川期间气候是湿润的。塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地晚冰期以来的环境与气候变化

    The Sahara is known to have had a humid climate during the last glacial stage of the pleistocene epoch . ENVIRONMENTAL AND CLIMATIC CHANGES IN THE INTERIOR OF TAKLIMAKAN DESERT SINCE LATE GLACIAL AGE

  14. 在全球变暖的背景下,冰川作为气候变化的敏感因子,在研究气候变化,理解气候与冰川变化的相互作用机制方面扮演着重要角色。

    Under the background of global warming , glacier , as a sensitive factor for climatic change , plays an important role in the aspect of climatic change research , understanding the interaction mechanism between climate and glacier change .

  15. 山地温冰川中的气候环境记录研究

    Analysis of Climatic and Environmental Records in an Alpine Temperate Glacier

  16. 我国极地型冰川发育的气候条件

    The Climatic Conditions of Polar & type Glaciers Developing in China

  17. 近百年来山地冰川波动与气候变化

    Mountain Glacier Fluctuations and Climatic Change During the Last 100 Years

  18. 格陵兰冰川消退的气候作用及其可能的不可逆转性。

    Climatic impact of a Greenland deglaciation and its possible irreversibility .

  19. 中国西部冰川对近期气候变暖的响应

    Glaciers in response to recent climate warming in Western China

  20. 冰川变化与气候变化关系的若干探讨

    Discussion on the relationship between glacial fluctuation and climate change

  21. 中国季风温冰川区近代气候变化与冰川动态

    Modern Changes of the Climate and Glaciers in China 's Monsoonal Temperate-Glacier Region

  22. 冰川冰期与气候冷暖方法;

    Glacier drift epoch and climate changes method ;

  23. 冰川变化是气候变化的直接产物并且对气候变化的响应表现明显。

    Glacier change is the direct result of climate change and has obvious response on climate change .

  24. 冰川变化是气候变化的产物,但它与气候参数的关系表现出不稳定。

    Glacial fluctuation is the result of climatic change , but the relationship between them is not stable .

  25. 从热浪到暴风雨到洪水到火灾到融化的冰川,全球气候对我们来说好像要崩溃了。

    From heat waves to storms to floods to fires to massive glacial melts , the global climate seems to be crashing around us .

  26. 海洋型冰川所在山地气候水热组合状况最佳,自然旅游资源类型多,生物多样性丰富,可进入性强,离客源市场较近,许多冰川资源现已被开发为特色旅游产品。

    The typical temperate-glacier is best in terms of hydro-thermal combination with a mountain climate and can offer various kinds of nature tourism because of its rich bio-diversity and easy access .

  27. 通过对中国季风温冰川区的气候实测资料、冰芯记录、树木年轮指数和冰川进退记载等多种指标的综合分析,较详细地研究了400年以来本区气候与冰川变化。

    Climatic data , ice core records , the tree ring index and recorded glacier variations have been used to reconstruct a history of climatic and glacial changes in the monsoonal temperate-glacier region of southwestern China during the last 400 years .

  28. 在秘鲁,有一座山上面的冰川已经成为了气候变化的牺牲品,附近的农民开始把山峰涂成白色,希望能增加反光,恢复那赋予生命的冰。

    In Peru , local farmers around a mountain with a glacier that has already fallen victim to climate change have begun painting the entire mountain peak white in the hope that the added reflectiveness will restore the life-giving ice .

  29. 天山的冰川现状与未来气候趋势

    Recent development of glaciers and tendency of climate change in the Tianshan Mountains

  30. 因为这个原因,冰川尤其容易受气候变化影响。

    For this reason , its glaciers are especially vulnerable to climate changes .