
  • 网络Feng Jun;Michael Von Sparr
  1. 冯军的手机使用的是iOS7系统,该系统并不由相同的加密技术所保护。

    Feng 's phone uses iOS 7 , which is not protected by the same encryption technology .

  2. 冯军表示,“妙笔”是他希望最终将其公司转变为中国索尼(sony)的那种创新榜样。

    The wonderpen , says Mr Feng , is an example of the kind of innovation he hopes will eventually transform his company into a Chinese Sony .

  3. 冯军:创意让民族品牌不再软

    Feng Jun : Creativity makes national brands stronger

  4. 这就是冯军运营企业的方式,至少目前是这样。

    This is how Mr Feng makes his business work , at least for the moment .

  5. 冯军仍在制定知识产权与创新、品牌建设、财务和人力资源等方面的策略。

    Mr Feng continues to set strategy in intellectual property and innovation , brand-building , finance and human resources .

  6. 人员围绕关键产品组成团队;冯军让团队负责人自己管事。

    Teams are set up around key projects , and Mr Feng lets the team leaders run things by themselves .

  7. 这部手机的所有人是45岁的冯军(音)。他已经承认自己在这起案件中犯有共谋罪。

    The owner of the phone , Jun Feng , 45 , has pleaded guilty to conspiracy in the case .

  8. 数百万中国人冯军就是其中之一意识到,这是自己当老板的好时机。

    Mr Feng was among the millions who drew the conclusion that this was the time to become their own boss .

  9. 谁要是还不相信该款设备的创新性,冯军就会揪住他,亲自演示一番。

    Mr Feng will grab anyone not yet convinced of the revolutionary character of the device to give a personal presentation .

  10. 去年,冯军开始着手重组企业结构,成立了20余家子公司,各自专注不同的产品类别。

    Last year , he started reorganising the business by setting up more than 20 subsidiaries focused on different product groups .

  11. 为了防止这种情况,冯军决定把自己“亲力亲为”的管理风格与某些西方企业文化要素结合在一起。

    To prevent this happening , Mr Feng decided to combine his hands-on management style with some elements of Western business culture .

  12. 冯军承认,树立一个国际品牌对于中国企业而言有时难度更大,因为它们被看作廉价的模仿者。

    Mr Feng admitted that establishing an international brand was sometimes harder for Chinese companies because they are perceived as cheap imitators .

  13. 冯军一打开办公室的门,等候在外边的几位员工立刻抓住机会和他说话。

    As soon as Mr Feng opens his office door , several employees waiting outside grab their chance to talk to him .

  14. 这个身材结实的男人穿着笔挺的蓝色衬衫和黑色西装,打着红色领带。与别的很多中国企业家不同的是,冯军是个倾听者。

    Unlike many other Chinese entrepreneurs , this stout man in black suit , crisp blue shirt and red tie is a listener .

  15. 冯军表示,在惠普和东芝拒绝了爱国者的主张并拒绝谈判后,他决定起诉这两家电脑制造商。

    Mr Feng said that he decided to sue HP and Toshiba after the PC makers rejected Aigo 's claims and refused to negotiate .

  16. 不过,随着爱国者日渐扩张和趋于成熟,冯军已经意识到,他不能再单纯地依赖于“意识流”的管理方式。

    But as Aigo expands and matures , Mr Feng has realised that he can no longer rely only on his Stream-ofconsciousness management style .

  17. 冯军是北京华旗信息数码有限公司董事长。他希望政府可以给中小型企业更多的支持来拓宽海外市场。

    Feng Jun , president of the private Beijing Huaqi Information Digital Technology Co , wants more government support for SMEs to expand business overseas .

  18. 新成立的20余家子公司拥有一定自主权。不过,每当冯军对某款产品特别感兴趣时,他依然会担当起首席推销员的角色。

    Aigo 's 20-plus new subsidiaries have some autonomy , but when Mr Feng is keen on a certain product he still acts as top salesman .

  19. 在之后的十年里,在中关村这个北京新兴IT行业的繁忙中心,冯军紧紧抓住了每一个出现在他眼前的机遇。

    For a decade , he jumped at every new opportunity he came across in Zhongguancun , the bustling heart of Beijing 's fledgling IT industry .

  20. 最初,苹果接受了一项正式命令,即帮助司法部进入冯军的手机,但奥伦斯坦法官有所保留,质疑《所有令状法案》是否能被这么使用。

    Initially , Apple agreed to a formal order to help the Justice Department gain access to Mr. Feng 's phone , but Judge Orenstein balked , questioning whether the All Writs Act could be used that way .