- 网络winter jujube;Ziziphus jujuba Mill

Urea , Gly and Glu could be absorbed by winter jujube .
Effects of 1-MCP Treatment on Postharvest Physiology and Fresh-keeping of Winter Jujube during Cold Storage
, Aminophenol fertilizer and mineral fertilizer improved the fruit 's vitamin C content .
The fresh retaining period was longer , Vc content higher in new shoot than perennial branch .
Quality of fresh Winter-date was studied under different storage condition .
Water loss , rotting and CO2 injury were main problems in long-term storage of winter-jujube .
Different pH had effect on the colour change and stability of red pigment of winter jujube peel .
Extraction technology of the cAMP from Winter-date with ultrasonic extraction was studied .
Extraction technology of the cAMP from Winter-date with Microwave-assisted extraction was studied .
Application of GM ( 1,1 ) Model in Forecasting the Planting Area and Yield of the Winter Chinese Date in Cangzhou
Effect of ABA and GA_3 Treatments on the Metabolism of Active Oxygen Species in Cold Stored ' Brumal Jujube ' Flesh
In fruits senescence process , fruits senescence were controlled by the balance of IAA + GAs and ABA .
The respiration rate were remarkably degraded by 1 - MCP treatment .
The Effects of Chlorine dioxide ( ClO_2 ) on Quality of Winter Jujube
Effect of 1-MCP on Physiology and Quality of Chinese Winter Jujube During Room Temperature Storage
Different girdling effected the content of IAA and ABA in leaves and shedding shoot of jujube and the divergence was remarkable .
Effects of Exogenous ABA and Ethephon on the Respiration Rate , Ethylene Production and Quality Changes of ' Dong Jujube ' Fruit after Harvest
Changes of respiration and ethylene production and effects of 1-MCP during the fermentation softening of Chinese winter jujube fruit
The results showed : ( 1 ) The fresh-keeping effect of winter jujube was observably improved by 1-MCP treatment .
The senescence and mature of the ' Dong ' fruit went with the changes of SOD , POD and CAT activities , cell membrane permeability , MDA content and membrane lipid peroxidation .
The changes in physiological characteristics of fresh jujube ( Zizyphus jujuba Mill . cv . 'Dongzao ' ) stored in controlled atmosphere ( CA ) and in bored film package ( CK ) were investigated .
Polyclonal Antiboby Preparation and Inhibitor Screening of the Polygalacturonase of Winter-Jujube ( Ziziphus jujuba Mill . ) Fruits
The effects of 1-MCP treatment of different concentrations on physiology changes and fresh-keeping of winter jujube under cold temperature were studied .
AB-8 macroporous resin is a good macroreticular resin for flavonoids from jujube stone with good adsorption and de-adsorption ability .
By the ultrastructures of winter-jujube pericarp , cold-shock treatment with ozonated water could clean out the waxiness of crackle and lenticel , which is helpful for exchange of fruit internal CO2 and air , and inhibit accumulating of ethanol concentration .
Following the ripening of the Jujube the endogenous ABA and TSS levels gradually increased again while the firmness , chlorophyll and VC content decreased with the development of maturity in winter Jujube .
Taking Dong Jujube as experimental material , the weight loss rate , the decomposing rate , the containment change of vitamin C of fruit are studied under high voltage static electric field ( HVEF ) with 20kV / m , 60kV / m , and 100kV / m.
The PPO activity had the tendency to decrease with ripening , which showed that it was benefit to lower the level of fruit browning to harvest lately at the right moment .
The heredity conduct of the single isoperoxidase band conformed to Mendelian law of segregation . It was proved that peroxidase isozyme was controled by a single gene .
It was showed that both Jujube cultivars had an optimum pH range , the value was 7 0 The optimum native substrate of PPO in ` Dongzao ' was gallate , and in ` Lizao ' was asafoetida acid .