
  1. 我们还计画在巫妖王之怒中加入PVP区域,冬拥湖,有着世界性PVP任务以及攻城武器。

    We have plans in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion for a world PvP zone , Lake Wintergrasp , which will feature world PvP objectives and siege weapons .

  2. 冬拥湖的建筑物能重生吗?

    Lake wintergrasp : will buildings respawn ?

  3. 你们从巫妖王之怒的冬拥湖中学到了什么?

    Q.What have you learned from the inclusion of Wintergrasp in Wrath of the Lich King ?

  4. 所有战场和冬拥湖目标抢占(占矿、拆塔、开墓地、守塔、守墓地等)的奖励是基于荣誉击杀给予的荣誉。

    All Honor awarded for completing objectives in Battlegrounds and Wintergrasp is actually based on an Honorable Kill conversion rate .

  5. 由于在冬拥湖阿尔卡冯遭遇战中获得的物品等级太高,所以我们将要做一些改动。

    Due to the high quality of the items attainable through the Archavon encounter in Wintergrasp , we are going to be making some changes .

  6. 基于这点,一个荣誉击杀给的经验,以及冬拥湖周常任务给的荣誉奖励将被减少50%。

    In light of this , the amount of experience provided from an Honorable Kill , and the amount of Honor awarded for completing the Wintergrasp weekly quests , have been reduced by50 % .