
  1. 随着农村义务教育学生营养改善计划的启动,经过社会各界一致努力,我国农村学生营养改善计划进入实施过程之中。

    With the beginning of the nutrition improvement program for the rural compulsory education students , this program of our nation is getting underway together with the consistent efforts of the whole society .

  2. 实施惠及3000多万农村义务教育阶段学生营养改善计划。

    We implemented the plan for improving nutrition of rural students receiving compulsory education to the benefit of over 30 million students .

  3. 办好农村寄宿学校,实施好农村义务教育学生营养改善计划。

    We will run rural boarding schools well , and implement the plan for improving nutrition for rural students receiving compulsory education .