- agrotechnical station

Improving Mode of " Agrotechnical Station Plus Professional Associations " To Make Science and Technique Step into Peasant Households and Get Better Income
Implement the Query System for the Technicians at the Agriculture Technology Station with ASP Based on Web
Descriptive analysis on households ' choice shows that , agricultural technology extension stations are the main channels to purchase grain crops ' seeds and access to information .
Presently , because of the limitation of lacking technicians in rural , limited funds in agro-technical station and other objective reasons , the opportunity for tea farmers to get guidance from technician were less , the main ways for tea farmers to get training were from various industry organizations .
Rationalize the agricultural extension information services management mechanism . Agriculture technology extension station in township will be managed directly by county agricultural sector management . Build a cross-town center to promote regional industrial .
The construction of agriculture extension regional stations has got some achievements and become one of the highlights in this reform , and it received high reputation and strong support from relevant departments .
This paper explored the innovation of service means and organization management of Luquan model , and summarized the experiences of Luquan model that is worth to be adapted by others agricultural technology extension regional station . 5 .
Consolidate the organization of the agricultural technology extension system . Establish regional agricultural technology stations . 7 .
By 2012 , the demonstration country item of the reformation and development of grass-roots agriculture extension system almost covered all agricultural country ( city ) . The agriculture extension regional station is the important tendency of the reformation and development of grass-roots agriculture extension system of our country nowadays .