
  • 网络agricultural communities
  1. 在许多非洲国家,艾滋病流行使农业社区遭受严重打击。

    In many African countries , the AIDS epidemic has hit agricultural communities very hard .

  2. 它将通过增加他们的劳方奖励有益于农夫和农业社区;

    It will benefit farmers and agricultural communities by increasing the rewards of their labor ;

  3. 我是图雷尔,我来自基腾格拉,一个位于肯尼亚内罗毕国家公园边缘的农业社区。从九岁起,我就帮忙照看家里的奶牛。

    I am Turere . I come from Kitengela , a farming community on the edge of Nairobi National Park of Kenya . Since the age of nine , I have helped to look after my family 's cows .

  4. 这个具有60年历史的农业社区位于加沙地带800米处。

    This 60-year-old farming community lies 800 meters from the Gaza Strip .

  5. 农业社区合作经济组织的完善与创新

    Perfection and Innovation of Economic Cooperative Organization of Agricultural Community

  6. 应当降低农业社区对气候灾害的易受害程度。

    The vulnerability of farming communities to climate-related disasters needs to be reduced .

  7. 全球指数再保险基金的受益人包括农民和农业社区。

    The Global Index Reinsurance Facility targets farmers and agrarian communities among other beneficiaries .

  8. 在这些农业社区,要有一个稳定的经营环境是行不通的。

    It doesn 't work to have a stable operating environment in these farming communities .

  9. 博览会给农业社区提供展示技术和农产品的机会。

    The fair provides a chance for the farming communities to show its skills and farming products .

  10. 莉莲是个年轻的法裔加拿大女孩,在安大略省加纳德河畔的农业社区中长大。

    Lillian was a young French Canadian girl who grew up in the farming community of River Canard , Ontario .

  11. 一旦土地经过平整,农业社区就会组织人手进行集体开垦。

    Communal Farming is the natural progression from land clearance , where the farming communities adopt a system of centralised management .

  12. 非农化村庄是随着我国农村经济体制改革的进程而逐渐发展起来的新型农业社区。

    The non-agricultural village is a new-type agricultural community formed gradually with process of the rural economic system reform of our country .

  13. 据粮农组织估计,帮助东非和西非受洪灾影响的农业社区所需要的资金大约为1200万美元。

    FAO estimates that approximately US $ 12 million will be required to assist flood affected farming communities in East and West Africa .

  14. 例如,农业社区将需要流域规模的项目从而储存水,改善灾害响应并为新的入侵害虫和疾病做出规划。

    Farming communities will need watershed-level projects to store water , improve disaster responsiveness and plan for new invasive pests and diseases , for example .

  15. 这是个多重要的问题,它是如何影响农业社区的,如你所说,从家庭和企业方面谈谈。

    How big of a problem is this and how does it affect the farming community , both as you said , as families and as businesses ?

  16. 在这天,他开始思考他在报纸上读到的文章波希米亚严重,描述西方富裕的捷克农业社区。

    On that very day he began to think seriously about the articles he had read in the Bohemian papers , describing prosperous Czech farming communities in the West .

  17. 数万名以色列人已经离开家园,官员估计边境线农业社区约有70%的居民已经撤离。

    Tens of thousands of Israelis have already left their homes with officials estimating up was 70 % of some residents of farming communities on the border have left .

  18. Dayaratne还说,大多数受感染的农业社区都是由来自该国不同地区的定居者,这意味着该疾病可能有遗传的成分。

    The majority of the affected farming communities were settlers from different parts of the country , he says , meaning that there could be a genetic component to the disease .

  19. 另外对经济结构与收入来源结构的分析,得知农业社区的经济发展与农业生态系统中的生物多样性变化有着不可分割的关系;

    On the other hand , according to the analyzing results of economic structure and income resources , there is indiscerptible relationship between rural economic development and biodiversity change in agroecosystem .

  20. 对贫困和饥饿状况最为严重的农村和农业社区来讲,这一鸿沟甚至更为巨大,是战胜饥饿和贫困的一个真正的障碍。

    For rural and farming communities , where poverty and hunger are most severe , this divide is even greater and it 's a real obstacle in the fight against hunger and poverty .

  21. 吴仁宝以“有中国特色的资本主义”这一模糊的概念为蓝图,把一个农业社区变成了如今中国公认的首富村。

    Wu Renbao took a vague concept ─ ' capitalism with Chinese characteristics ' ─ as the blueprint to turn a farm community into what is now known in China as the country 's richest village .

  22. 休闲农业旅游社区居民对旅游影响的感知研究

    An Empirical Study on Residents ' Perception of Economic-social Impact of Leisure-agricultural Tourism in Suburb Community

  23. 20世纪60年代以非关系中表现最突出的就是以色列的援助工程,以色列向非洲派出了自己有优势方面的专家,如农业、社区建设、医疗、水资源、建筑等。

    The most outstanding was the assistance project toward Africa , which Israel sent its prominent experts to Africa , such as agriculture , community development , medical treatment , water resources and architecture .

  24. 农业产业网络社区作为一种有效的信息沟通方式,可以有效解决分散的涉农人员信息传递问题。

    Agricultural industry network community as an effective way of communication , can solve the information transfer on agriculture-related personnel .

  25. 就算有一个更高级的预警系统,亚洲大多数贫穷的海岸线农业和渔业社区仍然无法从这一地区撤离。

    Even with an upgraded warning system , most of the poor coastal farming and fishing communities in Asia would still find it difficult to evacuate .

  26. 通过对农业旅游与社区间的相互影响关系的分析,认为促进两者协调发展十分必要,并从旅游社区的各个子系统入手尝试解决这一问题。

    After analyzing the interactional relations between the tourism and community , the author thought that it was very important to accelerate the development harmoniously and tried to resolve this problem starting with the subsystems of tourism community .

  27. 楼宇农业是城市社区居民为了获取食物、增加家庭收入、强身健体、改善住区生态环境或打发闲暇时光,利用室内室外可用空间,从事种植和养殖活动的过程。

    Building agriculture is the city community residents to obtain food , increase the family income , physical fitness , improve the ecological environment in residential area or pass the leisure time , the indoor and outdoor space available , engaged in planting and breeding activities .

  28. 农业区要强化社区概念,强调利益的整体性。

    Agricultural districts should strengthen the concept of community , with its emphasis on integrity .