
  • 网络mi5;spooks;MI-5
  1. 小说作者曾经在英国情报部门军情五处和军情六处工作过,所以能写出很多间谍的故事。

    As he had worked for the British intelligence services MI5 and MI6 , his background helped him a lot while writing spy stories .

  2. 军情五处负责人乔纳森埃文斯(JonathanEvans)已就盯上英国金融系统的中国和俄罗斯黑客发出警告。

    Jonathan Evans , head of MI5 , has given warning about Chinese and Russian hackers targeting the UK financial system .

  3. 军情五处是国家的重要机构。

    The Security Service is an important organ of the State

  4. 这还不包括军情五处、秘密情报局(Intelligence)和国防部(Defense)等单位的开支。

    Not included : the costs of units like MI5 , intelligence , and defense .

  5. 6月25日,军情五处的总干事JonathanEvans在沉默了21个月后首次发表演讲。

    On June 25th Jonathan Evans , the director-general of MI5 , burst into oratorical flower for the first time in 21 months .

  6. 官员们表示,英国军情五处(mi5)发现了至少20起可能在近期付诸实施的恐怖阴谋,此外还有几十起尚不完善的阴谋。

    The officials said MI5 had identified at least 20 plots that could be realised relatively soon , with dozens of others that appeared less advanced .

  7. 以下这一点应该会对你有所帮助:英国特种空勤团是由英国国家安全局(MI5,又称军情五处)和英国陆军情报六局(MI6,又称军情六处)共同训练以承担反间谍任务。

    It may help you to know that the SAS is also trained by MI5 and MI6 security and intelligence services to undertake counter-espionage operations .

  8. 军情五处捡获可汗同Khyam先生的交谈,并且说这些勾当主要关于金融诡计。

    MI5 picked up some of Khan 's conversations with Mr Khyam , and said these dealt mainly with financial scams .

  9. GCHQ及其姊妹机构军情五处(MI5)和秘密情报局(SIS,英国国内及海外情报机构)如果得不到私营部门更大的支持,包括从主导互联网的美国各大科技公司得到这样的支持,就无法大规模地应对这些挑战。

    GCHQ and its sister agencies , MI5 and the Secret Intelligence Service , cannot tackle these challenges at scale without greater support from the private sector , including the largest US technology companies which dominate the web .

  10. 另一方面,每天穿越企业“数据边界”的可穿戴设备明显会成为黑客的目标,在英国政府通信总部(GCHQ)和军情五处(MI5)工作13年后加入网络安全公司Darktrace担任技术主管的戴夫•帕尔马(DavePalmer)表示。

    Meanwhile , wearable devices crossing over corporate " digital perimeters " every day are an obvious target for hackers , says Dave Palmer , who spent 13 years at GCHQ and MI5 before joining cyber security company Darktrace as head of technology .

  11. 英国的反间谍组织M15(即英国军情五处——译者注)以为道斯是德国间谍,并提审了他。但很快道斯就获释了,因为他们相信这些词只是他随意挑选的。

    The MI5 , Britain 's counter-espionage service , assumed Dawes was a German agent and interrogated him , but released him a short time later once they became convinced the words were chosen randomly .

  12. 我有权查询军情五处的最高机密资料库

    I have access to the top level of the MI5 archive

  13. 军情五处的批评者说本来就应该能够加入特征。

    Critics of MI5 say it should have been able to join the dots .

  14. 你认为军情五处的防火墙怎么样

    What do you think of MI5 security ?

  15. 军情五处官网上的招聘广告是这样写的我们不会告诉你我们在哪里。

    The advert on the MI5 website says : We can 't show you the buildings .

  16. 警察和军情五处的四个联合区域办事处正在建立,以加强伦敦外部的反恐工作。

    Four joint police and MI5 regional offices are being established to strengthen counter-terrorism work outside London .

  17. 2005年7月7日伦敦爆炸案是促使她加入军情五处的关键动机。

    The London bombings of July 7 , 2005 were a powerful motive in her wish to join MI5 .

  18. 英国国内情报机构军情五处近日开始为其伦敦总部招募带薪实习生,实习时间为11周。

    MI5 , the UK 's domestic intelligence agency , has started to offer 11-week paid internships at its London headquarters .

  19. 虽然中国黑客攻击早就被军情五处视为一种风险,但它如今日益引起了该机构的担忧。

    Although it has long been considered a risk by MI5 , Chinese hacking has become a growing concern to the agency .

  20. 像军情五处一样安排约会地点,做好隐蔽,从不同的方向到达约会地点,想好逃跑路线。

    Arrange your rendezvous like an MI5 agent : plan cover stories , arrive from different directions and think about escape routes .

  21. 安德鲁正式加入了军情五处,经过了安全审查,才能有权看到40多万份大大小小的档案。

    Mr Andrew was formally recruited into MI5 , and underwent security vetting before being granted access to the400,000-odd files of every size .

  22. 军情五处前负责人斯蒂芬•兰德爵士委托撰写本书,他给出了几个答案:一百周年的历史能“鼓舞士气”;

    Sir Stephen Lander , the former MI5 chief who commissioned the book , gives several answers : a centenary history is " good for morale ";

  23. 军情五处人乔纳森·埃文斯的说法暗示,阻止情况曝光的原因基于安全的考虑,而是同公众利益。

    Comments from MI5 chief Jonathan Evans suggest that the attempted block was not done on grounds of national security but for wider public interest reasons .

  24. 英国情报局军情五处把在英国的国际恐怖主义威胁程度升级到严重的级别,表明恐怖袭击是非常有可能的。

    Britain 's security agency MI5 has upped the threat level from international terrorism in Britain to severe , indicating that a terrorist attack is highly likely .

  25. 帕克表示,军情五处认为,自2013年10月以来,有20多起由叙利亚极端组织指挥或煽动的针对西方目标的恐怖主义阴谋。

    Mr Parker said MI5 believed there had been more than 20 terrorist plots either directed or provoked by extremist groups in Syria against western targets since October 2013 .

  26. 斯蒂芬爵士认为,有一位历史学家查阅机密档案,意味着军情五处回应争议时可以说:“去看书吧。”

    Having an historian go through the secret files , argues Sir Stephen , means MI5 can now respond to such controversies by saying : " Read the book . "

  27. 和其他大型机构一样,在军情五处工作,我们在工作中会用到很多设备。不同的是,在这里,我们的工作和设备都是保密的。

    Like other large organisations , at MI5 we use a variety of equipment to carry out our work , except here our work is often covert and our equipment classified .

  28. 不到一年前,英国安全部门军情五处处长警告金融服务公司,中国国有企业企图侵入它们的电脑系统。

    Almost a year ago , the director of MI5 , the UK security service , warned financial services companies that Chinese state enterprises were attempting to break into their systems .

  29. 身为情报之家的军情五处和高危的反间谍活动,现在决定要聘用一名经理和两名顾问来负责情报人员的健康与安全。

    The home of secret missions and risky counter - espionage has decided it needs a health and safety manager as well as two advisers to keep its staff out of danger .

  30. 随着奥运会越来越近,军情五处需要处理的情报线索陡然增多,在一定程度上是由于其他机构提供了过去可能忽视或者过滤掉的情报。

    As the games draw closer , MI5 expects the number of intelligence leads to start mounting steeply , partly because other agencies will begin passing on " stuff " that they might normally ignore or filter .