
  1. 多极军事格局比单极格局更不稳定,因为相互作用的点更多,发生误判的几率相应也就更大。

    Multipolar military orders are more unstable than unipolar ones , because there are more points of interaction where miscalculations can occur .

  2. 本文根据21世纪初世界军事格局的变化特点,分析了美、俄海军装备发展趋势,并从六个引人关注的方面,论述了高新技术对军事装备发展的推动力。

    According to the features of the change of the world military pattern early in the 21st century , this article analyses the development of military equipment from six conspicuous aspects .

  3. 所以,按照当前的国际政治、军事格局,我国对中国&非洲航线的安全明显缺乏有力的保障。

    The dominant power over shipping security is under the control of other countries . So , according to the current international political and military situation , China cannot protect the security of China & Africa route effectively .

  4. 随着科技的飞速发展,目前航空工业已经成为世界重要的高新技术产业之一,是对国际经济、政治和军事格局有重要影响的战略性产业。

    With the rapid development of science and technology , the current aviation industry not only has become one of the most important high-tech strategic industries in the world , but also has a major impact with the structure of international economic , political and military .

  5. 上篇先从总体上介绍河南郡的自然地理状况以及政区沿革,进而以河南郡为整体,讨论它在全国政治、军事格局中的作用。

    Part one firstly gives an introduction of the physical geography and administrative evolution in the prefecture of Henan generally . And then , the function of the prefecture of Henan as a whole part is argued in the political and military pattern of the empire .

  6. 在目前的军事力量格局之中,中国只有在和平的环境中才能崛起。也只有这样,世界各国才会乐于接受它的崛起。

    Given the current military power relations , China can continue rising only in a peaceful environment where the rest of the world willingly accepts rise of China .

  7. 考虑到目前的军事力量格局,中国只有在世界各国愿意接受中国崛起的和平环境下,才能继续发展。

    Given the current military power relations , China can continue rising only in a peaceful environment where the rest of the world willing accepts the rise of China .

  8. 国际军事战略格局和未来高技术条件下的作战要求,使质量成为武器装备建设的核心。

    The operational requirements for the weapon system in the international military strategic pattern and under the future high-tech conditions put the quality of the weapon system equipment into a core position in the construction of the weapon system .

  9. 国际形势深刻演变,国际力量对比、全球治理体系结构、亚太地缘战略格局和国际经济、科技、军事竞争格局正在发生历史性变化。

    Profound changes are taking place in the international situation , as manifested in the historic changes in the balance of power , global governance structure , Asia-Pacific geostrategic landscape , and international competition in the economic , scientific and technological , and military fields .

  10. 在世界政治、军事战略格局急剧变化的今天,飞航导弹作为主战武器之一,对于增强国防实力、提高国威军威、保卫国家主权、促进科学技术及国民经济的发展将发挥重要的作用。

    At present time when the strategic structure of political and military posture all over the world is rapidly changing , the cruise missile , as one of the main weapons , will play an important role in developing national defense , economy and science and technology .

  11. 边缘效应与明清军事技术对抗格局的逆转

    Edge Effect and the Reversion of Ming-Qing Military Technology Rivalry

  12. 金代黑龙江流域的文化更新以及精神面貌的转换,深刻影响了当时北亚及东北亚地域的政治、军事和文化格局的演变。

    In the Jin Dynasty , the transition of culture and spirit , had profound influence on the North and Northeast Asia 's politics , military and culture at that time .

  13. 研究了航天技术的军事应用对世界军事格局的影响;

    Researches the effects of military application of space technology on world military structure ;

  14. 玄宗的这种军事安排使得唐朝成为外重内轻的军事格局,最终诱使安史之乱爆发,河东成为战乱地区,成为抵御安史乱军的战略要地。

    This reign of the Tang Dynasty military arrangements made with light weight to foreign military pattern , and ultimately induce the " An-Shih Rebellion " broke out .

  15. 军事技术和战争形态的革命性变化,对国际政治军事格局产生重大影响,对中国军事安全带来新的严峻挑战。

    The aforementioned revolutionary changes in military technologies and the form of war have not only had a significant impact on the international political and military landscapes , but also posed new and severe challenges to China 's military security .