
  • 网络military expansion
  1. 来加遏制的军事扩张的危险。

    The danger of unchecked military expansion .

  2. 军事扩张、不断的战争以及行政上的变动成为了这个时代的标志。

    Military expansion , frequent warfare and administrative change became the hall mark of the period .

  3. 那应该是人类历史上首次经济需要高于军事扩张。

    It would be the first time in human history that economic necessity has prevailed over military aggrandizement .

  4. 在军事扩张主义的推动下,第二次中日战争在1937年爆发了。

    Fuelled by an expansionist military , the second Sino-Japanese War began in1937 .

  5. 奥巴马接手了美国军事扩张过度的糟糕局面。

    Mr Obama inherited US military over-reach .

  6. 他还说,中国从未寻求军事扩张,也不曾在海外建立军事基地。

    He also says the country has never sought military expansion or built overseas military bases .

  7. 第二阶段(1885-1918):同经济扩张和军事扩张紧密结合的时期。

    The second stage ( 1885-1918 ): the age closely connected to the economic and military expansionism .

  8. 所谓的反恐战争以及对外军事扩张都联系着对国内的压迫。

    The so-called war on terror and military aggression abroad are linked to repression within the United States .

  9. 中国不搞霸权主义,不搞强权政治,不对外搞军事扩张。

    China does not seek hegemony and power politics . Neither does it expend its military influence overseas .

  10. 但中国的资源,快速的军事扩张,增加自信和海上领土要求的胃口已经引起关注。

    But China 's appetite for resources , rapid military expansion and increasing assertiveness on sea territorial claims have caused concern .

  11. 唐朝的疆域在早期统治者的军事扩张下已远远超过了汉朝。

    Its territory , acquired through the military exploits of its early rulers , was greater than that of the Han .

  12. 我认为中国不会走军事扩张的道路,这是某些人所担忧的。

    I don 't think China is likely to become an expansionist military power , a worry that has clouded some people .

  13. 俄罗斯对前苏联成员国的攻击性让欧洲各国倍感不安中国的经济崛起和军事扩张也让邻国无比担忧

    Russia 's aggression toward former Soviet states unnerves capitals in Europe while China 's economic rise and military reach worries its neighbors

  14. 但是,伴随日本政府侵华野心的膨胀,教育交流成为其军事扩张的工具,最终走上了对华教育侵略的不归之路。

    But in the wake of an ambitious expansion , Japanese government resorted to educational exchanges as a tool of its military expansion .

  15. 中国不搞军事扩张,不在国外驻军或建立军事基地,反对军备竞赛。

    PLA Hong Kong Garrison China does not seek military expansion , nor does it station troops or set up military bases in any foreign country .

  16. 相反,一个咄咄逼人的新超级大国可能很容易引发邻国的军事扩张&后者认为美国的安全保证不足以对抗日益上升的威胁。

    In contrast , an aggressive new superpower could easily trigger military escalation by neighbours who perceive US security guarantees as insufficient against a rising threat .

  17. 第三部分分别论述了海外殖民地在罗马军事扩张中的促进与稳定作用,在帝国经济发展上的带动作用以及在罗马化进程上的推动作用。

    The third part analyses the colonies ' effects on Roman military expansion , which contains promotion and consolidation ; on Roman economic development and on Romanization .

  18. 不管现在还是将来,不论发展到什么程度,中国都永远不称霸,不搞军事扩张和军备竞赛。

    No matter now or in the future , and no matter how modern and developed it would be , China will never seek hegemony , military expansion or arms race .

  19. 此阶段美国主要运用军事扩张的手段排除西班牙、葡萄牙等旧殖民帝国在美洲的势力,保卫以美国为首的西半球的安全。

    During this period , U.S. used military expansion to exclude Spanish and Portugal that was in America in order to defend the security of Western hemisphere in which America was the core .

  20. 俄国的土地随着军事扩张而逐渐扩大,并历史地形成了村社土地所有制、僧俗地主土地所有制和国家土地所有制。

    Land in Russia was slowly expanded with the military expansion and historically had formed the village ownership of the land , the landlord ownership of the land and the state ownership of the land .

  21. 近代西欧的军事扩张、经济殖民和文化渗透在给阿拉伯世界造成深重灾难的同时也带来了西方先进的科学技术和自由平等观念。

    The military expansion , economic colonization , and cultural infiltration of the Western world had not only produced extremely serious disaster , but also brought the advanced science and technology , the concept of freedom and equality .

  22. 社会冲突更加频繁,政治和军事的扩张和土地的快速兼并耗尽了北宋政府的财力。

    Both military and political expansion together with quick land annexation pace gravely depleted the government treasury .

  23. 在大约公元500到1000年,他们从原本Titicaca湖Bolivian岸通过宗教控制和军事权力进行扩张。

    D.500 and1000 , they expanded from their origins on the Bolivian shores of Lake Titicaca via religious control and military might .

  24. 其次,目前我们在全球各地的军事存在过度扩张。

    Second , we now have an overextended military around the world .

  25. 军事消费经济扩张效应简论

    Briefly on the expanding effect of military consumption economy

  26. 不同于历史上大国依靠硬实力、尤其是军事实力的扩张崛起之路中国要走一条和平崛起之路,就必须努力提升自己的软实力。

    If we choose the peaceful rise , we must work hard to promote our own soft strength .

  27. 政治、经济和军事的全球扩张,使美国得以有效地利用全球资源。

    Global political , economic and military expansion has enabled global resources easily accessible to the United States .

  28. 他说中国没有军事侵略和扩张的历史并且需要一个和平稳定的国际环境。

    He said that China had no history of military aggression and expansion and need a peaceful and steady international environment .

  29. 与此同时,秦文化的影响力也随着秦国的军事、政治扩张而不可避免的向周边辐射。

    At the same time , the influence of Qin culture radiated inevitably to its surrounding country along with the military and political expansion .

  30. 他们和其它激进派一样,对政府准备同意位于北部意大利维琴察的一个美国军事基地的扩张感到不安。

    They and other radicals were equally exercised by the government 's readiness to agree to the expansion of an American military base at Vicenzain northern italy .