- 名military cooperation

The most notable symbol of U.S. - Japanese military cooperation in the wake of the disaster is Sendai Airport , which serves the most severely affected area in the country .
The vice president will meet in Tokyo with Prime Minister Naoto Kan to discuss regional security issues , military cooperation in Afghanistan and the global economic recovery .
The ADB Agreement and Anglo-American Military , Cooperation in the Far East before the Pacific War
For the Obama administration , the improved defence ties with Japan are an important part of its pivot to Asia which has also seen the US expand military co-operation with allies such as Australia and the Philippines and former enemies such as Vietnam .
His hosts briefed him about theDarwinplan , explaining it as continuation of a longstanding military partnership under the ANZUS Treaty signed in1951 .
Impact of India 's Foreign Military Technical Cooperation and its Character
We pursue military cooperation , as friends rather than allies .
China and Nepal have strengthen bilateral ties and military cooperation .
The war of1590-1595 was the high point of the Swedish-Tatar military cooperation against Russia .
In July , Japan and the Philippines signed a five-year agreement to strengthen military co-operation .
Military Cooperation between Singapore and USA
Russia has notified NATO that it is halting international military cooperation with the alliance until further notice .
China and Pakistan have substantial military cooperation , but they have no formal military alliance binding them together .
The United States and Australia have announced expanded military cooperation aimed at bolstering security in the Asia-Pacific region .
I could confirm again that military cooperation has never been discussed during President Chavez 's state visit to China .
In the following times , throughout the Cold War , Russia and India maintained a relatively close military cooperation .
He talked of the neighbouring states doing more to forge a " political and military partnership " with Kabul .
Britain was a staunch ally of China , offering us economic assistance and military cooperation during our resistance against Japan .
The Chinese Defense Ministry says Panetta 's trip this time is expected to help establish a mechanism for more bilateral military contact .
And the military cooperation between the two countries around the Pacific War is a concrete manifestation of the friendship between the two countries .
They pointed to side agreements on military cooperation , health , and transit rights across Russia for American military supplies bound for Afghanistan .
The European Union has threatened sanctions , and the United States has withheld millions of dollars in aid and funds for military cooperation .
Phoenix TV : Australia and the United States signed a number of military cooperation agreements during AUSMIN . What 's your comment on this ?
The article classified from the relevant claims in the second kuomintang-chinese communist cooperation on political cooperation , military cooperation , and organization of the cooperation .
This plan to hold naval exercises was announced in Beijing last week , after a Russian-Chinese meeting devoted to military co-operation between the two countries .
Given NATO 's own action , White House Spokesman Gordon Johndroe says Russia 's decision to end military cooperation with NATO does not mean much .
The airport , which was severely damaged by floods , serves as a symbol of U.S. - Japanese military cooperation in the wake of the disaster .
It condemned both a military co-operation deal agreed last week by the US and South Korea , and their annual joint exercises which continue until April 30 .
Russia has stopped all military cooperation with NATO after alliance foreign ministers said future ties depend on Russia pulling back troops in the former Soviet republic of Georgia .
We know that there are growing concerns about military co-operation between North Korea and Burma , which we take very seriously , Mrs Clinton said in Bangkok yesterday .