
  • Adventure;adventurous spirit;Risk-Taking
  1. 他们的文化背景赋予了他们一种冒险精神。

    Their cultural backgrounds gave them a spirit of adventure .

  2. 他是个乡下小伙儿,参军是出于爱国之心和冒险精神。

    He was a country boy who had joined the army out of a sense of patriotism and adventure

  3. 2001年,富有冒险精神的百万富翁工程师丹尼斯·蒂托乘坐俄罗斯宇宙飞船进行了价值2000万美元的宇宙飞行,太空旅游的概念深入人心。

    The notion of space tourism took hold in 2001 with a $ 20 million flight aboard a Russian spacecraft by Dennis Tito , a millionaire engineer with an adventurous streak .

  4. 在以色列,意见自由和冒险精神得到了大力支持。

    In Israel , freedom of opinion and risk-taking are strongly supported .

  5. 很多富有冒险精神的人梦想着环游世界。

    To travel around the world is the dream of many adventurous people .

  6. 冒险精神似乎成了一种被整个社会推崇的品质。

    The spirit of adventure seems to have become something worshiped by the whole society .

  7. 他相信ProductHunt能够打入应用爱好者的市场,这些爱好者并不把自己视作早期采用者(译注:指具有冒险精神、喜欢尝试新产品的人),但不管怎样他们的确就是。

    He believes Product Hunt can tap into a market of app-lovers who don 't consider themselves early adopters but are anyway .

  8. 你可以把这些具有冒险精神的发明家们用一条曲线描述出来,X轴表示他们的技术能力,Y轴表示他们搞到的资金。

    You could easily plot these adventurous innovators on a graph , with the X axis showing their skill and the Y axis their financial means .

  9. 电影协会的放映主管丹尼斯·利姆(DennisLim)尤其喜爱她们的冒险精神。

    That appetite for risk is what Dennis Lim , director of programming at the Film Society , is most drawn to .

  10. 最近出现了名为“ZEORaid”的开放源代码解决方案,更富有冒险精神的开发人员可能希望试用一下。

    An open-source solution named " ZEORaid " has recently emerged with which more adventuresome developers might want to experiment .

  11. 李博士是一位“行动者”,富于冒险精神,这促使他“多看,多做,多经历,”他的儿子Tadahiro说。

    Dr Lee was a " man of action ", whose adventurous spirit led him to " experience more , see more , and do more ," said his son Tadahiro .

  12. 内森,我原以为你更加有冒险精神。

    Nathan , I thought you had more enterprise in ya .

  13. 富有冒险精神要勇于尝试新事物。

    Be An Adventurer Always be willing to try new things .

  14. 我很佩服你具有这种冒险精神。

    And I really respect all that adventurous stuff you do .

  15. 冒险精神是文化的一部分,在这个年龄段。

    Risk taking is part of the culture at this age .

  16. 但是,中国人也不少冒险精神。

    However , the Chinese do not lack an adventurous spirit .

  17. 探索精神,创新精神,冒险精神,创造精神。

    The spirit of exploration , innovation , adventure , creation .

  18. 具有主动、进取、争先和冒险精神。

    Develops initiative , enterprise , and pioneering and adventurous spirit .

  19. 但是,即使如此,还不能使具有冒险精神的海运设计师满意。

    But , even this does not content the adventurous naval architect .

  20. 今天的年轻人中间新的冒险精神。

    A new venturesome spirit among today 's young people .

  21. 试析影响外语学习中冒险精神的社会情感因素

    A Social-Affective Perspective on Risk-Taking Behavior in an EFL Classroom

  22. 贵和谐、尚中庸的儒家思想扼杀体育的大胆冒险精神。

    Stressing harmony and middle , Confucianism reduces the spirit of adventure .

  23. 结构紧凑、毫无冒险精神的艺术馆建筑更是没有帮助。

    A tight , unadventurous building design doesn 't help .

  24. 他们选择时更有冒险精神,更大胆。

    They are more adventurous and daring in their choices .

  25. 你会成为一个博学多识、富于冒险精神和同情心的人。

    You will become a person of culture , adventure and compassion .

  26. 我曾说过,詹姆斯·邦德有着强烈的冒险精神。

    As I said that James Bond is very adventurous .

  27. 瑞恩:你就是没有冒险精神。

    Ryan : You just have no sense of adventure , Susan .

  28. 其次,硅谷大力提倡、甚至鼓吹颂扬冒险精神。

    Secondly , it actively encourages , or even exalts , risk-taking .

  29. 我们需要一个有冒险精神和想象力的人来设计营销策略。

    We need someone with enterprise and imagination to design a marketing strategy .

  30. 策划这项工程他们已显示了很大的冒险精神。

    They 've showed a lot of enterprise ill setting up this project .