- 网络reattachment

The laminar separation , transition and turbulent reattachment were predicted accurately and unsteady phenomena of laminar bubble were analyzed .
LDV measurement of a turbulent separation - reattachment flow
The numerical experiments show that NND schemes can resolve robustly both boundary layer separation , attachment and complex shock waves interferences .
In this paper , two kinds of controlling fluid equations , i.e. , the diffusion parabolized Navier Stokes equations ( DPNS ) and complete Navier Stokes ( NS ) equation are used to simulate the flow of the flat plate shock wave boundary layer interaction with secondary vortices .
Experimental Investigation of Turbulent Separation-Reattach - ment Flow Under Streamline-Aligned Coordinates
The reverse flow region is observable near the pipe wall .
Surging is ordinarily associated with separation and re-attachment in the diffuser .
Peak heat transfer of reattachment for hypersonic compression corner flows
Calculation of turbine end wall turbulence separation and re-attachment of the boundary layer
Turbulent boundary layer separation , reattachment and redevelopment over a back ward-facing step
A series solution of the reattachment boundary layer flow over a circular cylinder
Numerical solutions for retouchment length and velocity-distributions-were obtained in the recirculating zone of the combustion chambers .
A turbulent separation-reattachment flow in a two-dimen-sional asymmetrical diffuser was surveyed by a two-dimensional Laser Doppler Velocimeter .
A model was presented for the dynamic analysis of the wake re-contact during the parachute inflation process .
A discussion about the effect of flow parameters is given and a relationship between reattachment length and Reynolds number is obtained .
The oil flow visualization shows clearly primary reattachment , secondary separation , secondary reattachment lines and side edge vortices on the lee surface .
Calculation results show that the code can predict inner flow-field of turbomachinery accurately and gas separation , as well as reattachment appeared in this turbine stage .
The process doesn 't exhibit fully laminar unless the reference Reynolds number based on the location of peak heat transfer on compression ramp is low enough .
When the flow kept with turbulent state , the relationship between reattachment length and step ratio is obtained , which agrees well with the experimental visualization results .
Physically , at a special critical wave speed the flow may have a naturally periodical separated-reattached pattern , with each wave trough capturing a stable vortex ring .
The results indicate that separation and reattachment occur on the boundary layer of the rocket because of the shock impinging with sharp changes in static pressure and temperature .
The hydrogen bubble technique was used to visualize the development and variation of a backward facing step laminar separation flow , which covered basic flow and its unsteady control .
When the geometrical parameters of flow region kept invariant , the relationship between reattachment length and Reynolds number is predicted by numerical simulations , which agree well with the experiment results .
The model includes three parts : equations of the motion for the parachute-store system , equations of the motion for the wake , equations of the momentum transfer between parachute and wake .
The flow field that results from the interaction of lateral jets injection into supersonic flow over projectile has complicated shocks wave patterns , which include regions of shocks and expand waves , and the lateral jet interaction also effects base flow of projectile .
The closed flow separation and reattachment will result in the significant energy loss , which will bring the remarkably negative effect on the performances of fluid mechines , so the control of separation is regarded as one of the key problems of fluid engineering research .
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