
zài tiē xiàn lǜ
  • rediscount rate
  1. 在发达国家中,为了保住黄金储备,约有六个国家采取了提高再贴现率的人为措施。

    And a common artificial respirator of gold reserves among perhaps half-dozen leading countries is the raised rediscount rate .

  2. 金融调控手段主要有法定存款准备金率调控、再贴现率调控、公开市场业务调控等。

    And the monetary control means mainly includes legal reserve requirement rate control , rediscount rate control , and open market business control , etc.

  3. 利息率和再贴现率一样,目前是比联邦基金率高0.25%。

    The interest rate is the discount rate , currently 0.25 % above the Fed funds rate .

  4. 第二,本文在国内学术界首次研究了再贴现率和公开市场操作对中国股票价格的影响。

    In the second place , this paper firstly studied the impact of open market operations on the stock prices of China .

  5. 他们将力量特别集中于一个阀门:标示为“央行再贴现率”的阀门。现在,这个阀门已经启动。

    On one valve especially they all concentrate : the valve labeled " central bank rediscount rate ," which we have already seen in action .

  6. 所有货币银行学的教科书都强调央行有三大政策工具:再贴现率、公开市场操作和存款准备金率。

    All textbooks on money and banking highlight the three principal policy options open to central banks : discount lending , open market operations , and reserve requirements .

  7. 法定存款准备金作为一般性货币政策之一,与其他两个货币政策工具再贴现率和公开市场业务被并成为货币政策的三大法宝。

    As one of the common monetary policies , Required Deposit Ratio is among the so-called " The Three Leading Cards ", while the other two are Rate of Rediscount and Open Market Operations .

  8. 然后对央行利用基准利率、法定存款准备金率、公开市场业务操作和再贴现率的货币政策工具对股票市场影响进行相关理论分析。

    Then to the central bank using benchmark interest rate , legal reserve ratio , the open market service operation and the rediscount rate monetary policy tool affects to the stock market carries on the correlation theories analysis .

  9. 摘要同业拆借利率作为基准利率是比较现实的选择,而再贴现率无法充当基准利率,目前国债利率也不宜选作基准利率。

    CHIBOR is a comparatively realistic choice as the benchmark interest rate , but rediscount rate can 't serve as benchmark interest rate and at present choosing national debt rate as the benchmark interest rate is not suitable , either .

  10. 存款准备金制度与再贴现率、公开市场一起被称为中央银行货币政策的三大法宝。

    As the deposit reserve system and the rate of rediscount and market overt operation are called the three magical weapons of central bank , but there are some arguments on the system and utility of deposit reserve in the theory recently .

  11. 这三层次的利率结构中金融市场利率是利率市场化的核心,中央银行的再贴现率是整个利率的基准,而金融机构的存贷款利率是利率市场化影响的主体。

    Among these there interest rate structure , central bank rediscount is the basis of the interest rate , financial market rate is the core interest rate after interest rate liberalization , while the deposit-withdrawl rate of financial unit is the body of influence of the liberalization .