
  1. 我国再生资源产业发展的环境经济政策分析

    Analysis of Environment Economic Policy for Renewable Resources Development in China

  2. 废润滑油再生资源产业化问题的研究

    Issues on Industrialization of Regenerative Resources in Waste Lubricating Oil

  3. 汨罗市再生资源产业现状及发展战略研究

    The present situation and developmental strategy research on miluo regeneration resources industry

  4. 日本再生资源产业发展对我国的借鉴

    Reference from the Development of the Resource Recycling Industry

  5. 再生资源产业市场化进程与政府调控对策

    Marketization progress and governmental controls on recycling resources industry

  6. 开展再生资源产业国际合作正当其时

    It 's the time to carry out international cooperation in renewable resources industry

  7. 再生资源产业园区规划初探

    Exploring the Plan of Regeneration Resources Industry Park

  8. 再生资源产业发展的市场化路径探讨

    Marketization path for the development of recycling industry

  9. 再生资源产业可持续发展需要注意的几个问题

    Suggestions on the sustainable development of recycling industry

  10. 再制造将成为再生资源产业发展的新亮点

    Remanufacture : new highlight of recycling industry

  11. 中外再生资源产业发展比较与中国的推进策略

    Comparing Recycling Resource Development and Utilization between China and Foreign Countries and China 's Policy Options

  12. 再生资源产业税收新政缘何让企业进退两难?

    Why the New Tax Policy of Renewable Resource Industry Lead to companies be in a Dilemma ?

  13. 价格上限、产品同质性与成本竞争&对再生资源产业竞争问题的新解释

    Upper Limit of Price , Homogeneity and Cost Competition & New Explanation to the Competition Problem of Renewable Resources Industry

  14. 目前,我国再生资源产业技术落后,基础设施不完善,再生资源回收利用率偏低。

    At present , China 's renewable energy industry has backward technology , inadequate infrastructure , low utilization of renewable energy .

  15. 废弃物的社会循环就是发展再生资源产业,实现城市垃圾向城市矿山的转变。

    What the social level circular is to develop renewable resources industry , turn " urban garbage " to " urban mining " .

  16. 再生资源产业是微利行业,且具有社会公益性质,其发展离不开国家政策的支持。

    As a public welfare project , renewable resource industry acquires low profit , and without the support of national policy it cannot develop healthily .

  17. 第三,本文对湖南再生资源产业发展的影响因素进行了探讨,主要包括成本-收益因素、产业组织形式因素、从业人员与技术因素、产业政策因素、社会公众因素五个方面。

    The five factors include the cost – profit factor , the industrial organization form factor , the practitioner and technical factor , the policy factor , and public factor .

  18. 通过借鉴日本经验及结合我国再生资源产业现状,提出了促进我国再生资源产业发展和振兴的若干建议,以期对我国循环经济的建设发展起到一定的促进作用。

    With the reference of Japanese experience and Chinese current situation , the authors advanced some proposals to accelerate the development of resource recycling industry in China , aiming to promote the construction and development of our circular economy .

  19. 大力发展再生资源产业是提高资源利用效率、建设资源节约型和环境友好型社会(两型社会)的重要途径。

    To develop renewable resources industry is an important way of increasing the level of resources utilization and constructing resource-saving and environment friendly society ( Two-oriented Society ) . At present , the renewable resources industry in Hunan is still at the starting stage .

  20. 促进城市再生资源回收产业发展

    Promoting the Development of Urban Renewable Resources Recycling Industry

  21. 而推动力主要是再生资源利用产业的国际转移。

    The impetus force , however , results from the international transfer of the recycling industry .

  22. 建立再生资源回收体系产业链条促进回收体系产业化发展

    Set up industrial chains to improve the industrialization of recycling system

  23. 我国再生资源综合利用的产业化进程从宏观调控、结构优化、降低市场交易成本等方面对系统、完备的市场统计信息提出了新的要求。

    The industrialization of regenerative resource 's integrative utilization in our country has put forward some new requirements for the market statistical information , which from some aspects of the economy macro-controlling , the industrial structure optimization and the transaction costs reduction .

  24. 加强再生资源管理促进再生资源产业现代化

    Strengthening the Management of the Regenerated Resources , Promoting the Modernization of the Industry of Regenerated Resources

  25. 内江市地处我国西南,经过30多年的发展,现已成为再生资源的重要集散地,具备再生资源产业发展的良好基础,但也暴露出该产业发展中的典型问题。

    After 30 years of development , the city has become an important distribution center for renewable resources . Neijiang City has a good foundation for the development of renewable resources industry , but also faces some problems particular in the development of such industry .

  26. 推进再生资源回收体系建设,是发展现代循环经济,建设节约型社会的必然要求,也是再生资源回收产业发展的必然趋势。

    Building the recycle system is not only the necessary requirements for developing modern recycle economy and constructing saving society , but also the development trends for the recycle industry .