
  • 网络BACK HOME AGAIN;Home again
  1. 这就应了那句老话“你无法再次回家”。

    Thus the saying " You can 't go home again . "

  2. 再次回家的感觉真好。

    It feels nice to be home again .

  3. 当Terra与大中枢太阳的能量流相契合时,她就可从契合之点再次回家到梦想中。

    As Terra matches the flow of the Great Central Sun , then she enters this dream again returning " home " from where she came .

  4. 终于,弟弟完全康复了,可以离开医院再次回家了。

    Eventually he made a full recovery and was able to leave the hospital and come home again .

  5. 受宇宙射线的照射越来越多,对了,还有,有关你什么时候能够再次回家的所有问题。

    Increased exposure to radiation in space and oh , yeah , that whole thing about how you could never come home again .

  6. 为了再次带您回家。

    To bring you home again .

  7. 萨格尔假装起床后殴打他是精神病患者再次和他们俩回家。

    Sagar pretends that after getting beat up he is mentally ill again and the two of them go home .

  8. 给(牲口)灌药只花费一小时就能够完成,然后再次到了长途跋涉回家的时间。

    The drenching took a mere one hour to accomplish and then it was time again for that long trip home .

  9. 但这次旅行很短。两天时间花在乘车来冬奥的路上,还有一天是在看比赛,他们很快就要再次乘上汽车回家了。

    After traveling for two days to get to the olympics , then spending one day watching the action , they immediately fileback on the bus and head for home again .