
zài hūn
  • remarry;marry again;deuterogamy;digamy
再婚 [zài hūn]
  • [remarry] 再次结婚

再婚[zài hūn]
  1. 许多离婚的男子再婚组成了新的家庭。

    Many divorced men remarry and have second families .

  2. 妻子说:“万一我比我丈夫早死,我知道他马上就会再婚。让他那新婚妻子去找珠宝吧!”

    The wife said , " It is in case should die before my husband , I just know he 'd remarry right away . Let his new wife look for the jewels . "

  3. 我们两年前离了婚,之后她又再婚了。

    We were divorced two years ago and she has since remarried .

  4. 她再婚后家里人都躲着她。

    She was shunned by her family when she remarried .

  5. 他的第一个妻子死后,他几乎是迫不及待地就再婚了。

    After his first wife died , he married again with almost indecent haste .

  6. 她应该再婚,难道你不这么认为吗?

    She ought to marry again , don 't you think ?

  7. 该教派教规禁止离婚者再婚。

    The Church 's canon law forbids remarriage of divorced persons .

  8. 离婚和在教堂再婚的问题仍然存有很大争议。

    The question of divorce and remarriage in church remains highly contentious .

  9. 我的儿子刚刚再婚。

    My son just got married for the second time

  10. 似乎没有人对离异的公主再婚感到丝毫地吃惊。

    No one seems to turn a hair at the thought of the divorced Princess marrying .

  11. 她的母亲一直没有再婚。

    Her mother had never remarried .

  12. 再婚家庭会面临正常家庭的所有问题,外加一堆额外难题。

    A stepfamily faces all the problems that a normal family has , with a set of additional problems on top

  13. 我对父亲没任何敬意,他已经再婚,却依然喜欢耍老把戏。

    I have no respect for my father who , having remarried , is still up to his old tricks .

  14. 她的再婚违背了亲属们的愿望。

    She remarried against her relatives ' wishes .

  15. 听说他再婚了,我们都很吃惊。

    It gave us all quite a shock to learn that he had married again .

  16. 再婚会使原有的一切遗嘱失效。

    Remarriage would revoke all previous wills .

  17. 他对离婚和再婚看得很开。

    He has a liberal attitude to divorce and remarriage .

  18. 我认为他的年龄太大,不太适于再婚。

    I reckon that he is rather too old to marry again .

  19. 第三十条子女应当尊重父母的婚姻权利,不得干涉父母再婚以及婚后的生活。

    Article 30 Children shall have respect for their parents " matrimonial rights and shall not interfere in their parents " remarriage and postnuptial life .

  20. “家庭蜜月”指的是再婚的夫妻二人带上各自的孩子一起度蜜月,是你和你的新伴侣及家人第一次一起旅行。

    Familymoon is a honeymoon1 in which the newlywed couple bring along their children . Familymoon is that trip that you and you new loved one travel for the first time as a family .

  21. jeff和我的父母都离婚又再婚了。

    Jeff and my parents are both divorced and remarried .

  22. n.寡妇;孀妇寡妇是有一个女人,她的丈夫已经死了,没有再婚的女人。

    widow A widow is a woman whose husband had died , and who has not married again .

  23. 这项针对再婚的法条本意是为了防止搞不清楚离婚后出生的子女的生父是谁而产生的纠纷——在遗产继承利害攸关的明治时代,这一点至关重要,但随着DNA亲子鉴定技术的出现,其重要性已经降低。

    The law on remarriage is supposed to prevent disputes about who fathered children - of vital importance in the Meiji era when inheritances were at stake but less relevant with the advent of DNA paternity tests .

  24. (美国第38任总统,1974-1976年在任)生于1913年的他本名LeslieL.King,Jr.,因为目前离异再婚,他被继父收养,改名为GeraldR.Ford。

    Bornin 1913 as Leslie L. King , Jr. , his mother divorced and remarried.His stepfather informally adopted him , renaming him Gerald R.Ford 。

  25. 威尔科克斯援引鲍林格林大学(BowlingGreenStateUniversity)社会学家布朗(SusanBrown)的研究结果称,1990年,每1000名离婚或者丧偶的美国人中有50人再婚;

    In 1990 , 50 of every 1000 divorced or widowed Americans remarried ; this figure fell to 29 per 1000 in 2011 , says Mr. Wilcox , citing research by sociologist Susan Brown of Bowling Green State University .

  26. 年龄、BMI指数、早睡早起、丧偶再婚、湿热质、平和质进入到影响总体健康因素的多元线性回归方程。

    Age , BMI index , early to bed and early to rise , widowed remarried , damp-heat constitution , gentleness constitution enter into the multiple linear regression equation of factors effected general health .

  27. BBC表示,想让那些未婚同居、离异后准备再婚的情侣和同性恋情侣参加节目,以“反映现代英国。”

    The corporation says that it wants to see parents who are cohabiting , those remarrying after divorce , and even homosexual couples taking part , to " reflect modern Britain . "

  28. 应用表型性状、ISSR和SRAP进行矮牵牛自交系亲缘关系的研究父或母再婚而构成的亲缘关系,但无血缘关系

    Studies on Genetic Relationships of Petunia Hybrida Inbred Lines Using Morphological Traits , ISSR and SRAP ; related as a result of one parent 's remarrying , not by blood

  29. 她离婚后又仓促再婚了。

    She got divorced and rushed head first into another marriage .

  30. “她已再婚,这是意料中的事。”

    " She has married again , as was expected . "