
  • 网络Implicit social cognition
  1. 内隐社会认知:社会性决策的个人背景效应TBC背景下企业高管团队战略决策过程研究

    IMPLICIT SOCIAL COGNITION : THE BACKGROUND EFFECT OF INDIVIDUAL SOCIAL DEISION ; Research on the Strategic Decision-making Pocess of Top Management Team Towards Time-based Competition

  2. 本研究从内隐社会认知的角度出发,利用内隐联想测验(IAT)的研究范式,根据启动效应的原理,探讨不同情景线索下个体的内隐攻击性。

    This paper from the implicit social cognition perspective , using the research paradigm of implicit association test ( IAT ), according to the principle of priming effects to discuss the individual implicit aggression under the different situational cues .

  3. 三种新的内隐社会认知研究方法&IAT、GNAT和EAST,这些方法采用反应竞争任务,考察概念间的联结强度。

    This paper tries to introduce three ways to assess individual social cognition indirectly-IAT and GNAT ? EAST-the new variants of IAT . All these ways adopted response competition tasks to examine the strength of associations involving target and attribute concepts .

  4. 内隐社会认知的初步实验研究

    Comparative Study on Implicit Social Cognition between Deaf and Hearing Chidren

  5. 刻板印象是目前内隐社会认知研究中的一个主要领域。

    Stereotype is a central field in recent implicit social cognitive research .

  6. 内隐社会认知:印象形成的启动效应研究

    A study on priming effect of impression formation in implicit social cognition

  7. 浅谈内隐社会认知的研究与现状

    Implicit Social Cognition Research : the Past and the Present

  8. 攻击性的内隐社会认知实验研究&IAT测验在攻击性研究中的应用

    A Experimental Research on Aggression in Implicit Social Cognition

  9. 内隐社会认知中攻击性行为的性别差异研究

    Sexual Distinction in Attacking Behaviour in Implicit Social Cognition

  10. 内隐社会认知视野中的攻击性

    A View on Aggression from Implicit Social Cognition

  11. 内隐社会认知研究采用的是内隐记忆的间接测量技术和方法;

    The study of implicit social cognition relies on indirect measure of implicit memory .

  12. 工读学生的情绪智力和内隐社会认知特点研究

    A Study on Emotional Intelligence and Implicit Social Cognition of Students in Gong-du Schools

  13. 内隐社会认知研究新进展

    New advances in implicit social cognition

  14. 内隐社会认知探析

    On Implicit Social Cognition

  15. 自我的内隐社会认知研究具备坚实的理论基础,又有严格的实证研究方法,可以促进自我理论的深入发展。

    Studies of self from the implicit social cognition perspective are supported by solid theories and strict experimental methods .

  16. 同时,用内隐社会认知的观点重新考察自尊、自我概念对主观幸福感的影响。

    Besides , this paper examines the influence of self-esteem and self-concept on SWB with the approach of implicit social cognition .

  17. 近年来,特质稳定性信念与特质起源信念逐渐成为内隐社会认知领域中的研究热点。

    Research into people 's beliefs about the stability and the origins of traits has been very hot in recent years .

  18. 但是仅仅外显层面的研究是不够的,个体的内隐社会认知过程同样在其态度的形成和改变中扮演重要的角色。

    A series of research reveled that implicit social cognition process also plays important role in their attitudes ' formation and changing .

  19. 内隐社会认知的提出对丰富和发展社会心理研究具有重要的理论和实践意义。

    It is believed that the new conception contributes a lot to the development of social psychology both in theory and in practice .

  20. 研究结果表明:(1)聋童与听力正常儿童对攻击性行为的社会认知均表现出显著的实验性分离,证明存在内隐社会认知;

    The results showed : ① An significant experimental dissociation is displayed in aggression social cognition , which proved the existence of implicit cognition ;

  21. 已有的研究揭示出社会知觉、刻板印象、性别差异、印象形成中存在内隐社会认知;

    Extant research has shown that implicit social cognition is present in social consciousness , stereotype formation , gender difference , and impression formation .

  22. 内隐社会认知作为一个崭新的心理学构想,旨在揭示无意识成分参与了有意识的社会认知加工过程。

    As a new psychological conception , implicit social cognition aims to disclose the fact that unconsciousness is involved in the conscious social cognition process .

  23. 从内容上,尽管内隐社会认知的研究还比较初浅,但却已经涵盖了社会认知、社会态度以及归因评价的多个方面。

    In terms of the content , implicit social cognition research , though crude and initial , covers social cognition , social attitude and attribution assessment .

  24. 采用偏好判断这一内隐社会认知研究方法,探讨了不同属性的刺激物对男女两性的内隐攻击性差异的影响。

    By using the method of implicit social cognition , the study discussed the relationship between the character of stimulus and the implicit aggression of sexes .

  25. 在攻击性行为内隐社会认知特征上,两类学生都表现出偏好攻击者,而工读生的偏好的程度更强烈;

    In their implicit cognitive characteristics , both Gong-du and normal students prefer aggressive behaviors , but Gong-du students showed a much stronger preference to aggressive behaviors .

  26. 在内隐社会认知大行其道的背景下,把内隐社会认知和数学观的研究结合起来,了解学生内隐数学观是必要的。

    It is necessary to connect implicit social cognition with the research of the mathematics conception to know implicit mathematics cognition when implicit social cognition is popular .

  27. 探讨内隐社会认知、攻击行为、敌意性归因、行为结果的积极期待等社会信息加工方式对攻击行为的影响。

    Explore what effect the implicit social cognition , aggressive behavior , hostile attribution style and positive-expectation for the behavior results set on the cause of aggressive behaviors .

  28. 本文还对研究攻击性的内隐社会认知方法进行了简单介绍,并指出了从内隐社会认知角度研究攻击性的重要意义。

    The article introduced the implicit social cognitive methods of human aggression research and showed the importance of human aggression research from the view of the implicit social cognition .

  29. 从以上研究可以看出,内隐社会认知可以解释人们面对不同的冲突对象时采取不同的冲突处理方式的倾向。

    From all the research above , we can find that the implicit social perception can explain why people will use different management modes when they face different role .

  30. 本研究借助内隐社会认知的研究范式,从内隐和外显两个层面对工读学生和普通学生攻击性行为社会认知特点进行比较研究。

    In the light of implicit social cognitive style , this study is an experiment on the characteristics of the explicit and implicit cognition of Gong-du and normal students aggressive behaviors .