
  • 网络internal call
  1. 在从应用程序内部调用Web服务的时候,通常使用命名凭据的特性来传递凭据。

    The named credential feature is usually used to pass on credentials while invoking Web services from within the application .

  2. 内部调用(对STPoint())创建一个具有纬度-经度坐标(SRID=1)的点几何值。

    The inner call , to ST_Point (), creates a point geometry with latitude-longitude coordinates ( SRID = 1 ) .

  3. 脚本在内部调用$service->select()方法,解析结果,使用showlist()输出数据。

    Internally the script calls the $ service - > select () method , parses the results , and prints the data with show_list () .

  4. build()函数从Vim内部调用make,然后调用cl以显示错误。

    The build () function calls make from inside Vim , and then invokes cl , which displays the errors .

  5. 您甚至可以从一个Ant任务内部调用样式表处理器(查阅参考资料中有关Ant样式任务的描述)。

    You can even invoke the stylesheet processor from an Ant task ( See the Ant style task description in Resources ) .

  6. 例如,在尝试从向量异常处理程序内部调用托管代码时,您将看到该mda被激活了。

    For example , you will see the MDA activated in an attempt to call managed code from inside a vectored exception handler .

  7. authorize()方法在内部调用前面介绍过的dialog()方法,但是这一次它传递一个针对操作的Login请求。

    The authorize () method internally invokes the dialog () method previously covered , but this time it passes a Login request for action .

  8. 当从应用程序代码(Java)内部调用update存储过程时,将发生这种情况(即updateSQL设置为null)。

    It works ( updateSQL set to null ) when you call the update the stored procedure from inside your application code ( Java ) .

  9. Widget(所有PyGTK部件的基类)的一些foo方法在内部调用虚方法dofoo。

    Several foo methods of gtk . Widget ( the base class for all PyGTK widgets ) internally call the virtual methods do_foo .

  10. 但是在实施这样一个激发器时,它甚至会限制Rename与Move操作,因为它们会内部调用Rmname操作。

    But when such a trigger is implemented , it restricts even the Rename and Move actions , because , internally , they invoke Rmname operations only .

  11. 您可能从不使用dojo.hitch,但必须了解它是Dojo的关键部分,很多函数都在内部调用它。

    You may never use dojo . hitch , but it is important to understand that it is one of the cornerstones of Dojo , and many other functions are invoking it under the covers .

  12. 注意,循环内部调用了一个名为dynamicCast的函数。

    Notice that inside the loop , a function called dynamicCast is called .

  13. 编制了基于FORTRAN语言的运算程序,在其内部调用NASTRAN求解器对该有限元模型进行求解,得到了火炮发射过程中各目标函数随加强横梁位置参数变化的规律。

    Based on FORTRAN language , calculation program was worked out , NASTRAN software was design to solve the finite element model , and changing rule of each target function with enhanced crossbeam parameters during the course of gun fire were given out .

  14. 业务功能可以在域内部调用细粒度的技术服务,对外部消费者提供服务。

    Business functions may call finer-grained technical services within the domain internally , providing a service to external consumers .

  15. 我创建了一些在插件内部调用的函数,以便插件外部的人无法调用它们。

    I made the functions I call internally in the plug-in private , so that no one outside of the plug-in can call them .

  16. 但或许最好的一点是,火狐3.5能用上逾6000个附加软件,从书签和在线拍卖管理软件到天气预报软件和数码图片上传软件,都能在浏览器内部调用,而且这个数字越来越庞大。

    But perhaps best of all , Firefox 3.5 can draw on a growing library of more than 6000 add-ons , ranging from bookmark and online auction managers to weather applications and digital image uploaders all accessible from within the browser itself .

  17. 在安装函数内部,调用了kzalloc(分配内核内存并清零)。

    Internal to the setup function , there 's a call to kzalloc ( which allocates kernel memory and zeroes it ) .

  18. 在内部这些调用被映射为队列。

    Internally these calls are mapped to a queue .

  19. 部门间特别甄选委员会组别内部配额调用方案

    Special Inter-Departmental Selection Committee Intra-group Swing Scheme

  20. 组别内部配额调用方案马其顿内部革命组织

    Intra-group Swing Scheme Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization

  21. 您可能会感到奇怪。其实内部函数调用将输入字符串转换成使用特定格式编译的时间戳。

    In case you 're curious , the inner function call converts the input string into a timestamp that complies with a specific format .

  22. 这些在流程内部所调用的服务可能会因多种严重程度等级(从信息、警告、错误到致命)的出错而终止。

    These service invokes from within the process could end up resulting in errors of different severity that could range from info , warning , error and fatal .

  23. 我现在可以看到对org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke()最内部的调用是包装了请求处理的调用,包括对服务器的调用。

    I can now see that the innermost call to org . apache . axis . client . Call . invoke () is the call that wraps the request processing , including the call to the server .

  24. DB2跟踪捕获所有可跟踪的内部DB2函数调用,可以用来诊断涉及DB2的应用程序问题。

    A DB2 trace captures all traceable internal DB2 function calls and are an invaluable tool to investigate application problems involving DB2 .

  25. 目前,MDM允许任何经过授权的内部应用程序调用来自MDMServer的身份明确的服务。

    Today , MDM allows any authorized internal application to call any service with any asserted identity from MDM Server .

  26. 使用管理员控制的UDDI注册中心来管理内部和外部调用的已批准服务。

    Use administrator controlled UDDI registry to manage approved services for both internal and external invocation .

  27. 给出了PowerBuilder的几种常见的外部函数调用方法及外部函数的定义形式,并对外部函数和内部函数的调用效率作了比较。

    Shows several familiar methods to call external function by PowerBuilder and their definition format , and gives a comparision of call efficiency between external and internal functions .

  28. 一个呼叫独立成SBB树,其内部采用同步调用。

    One call means one sbb-tree , and invoking inside of it is synchronous .

  29. 层次封装了内部模块的调用关系,相邻层次间功能模块通过层次对外提供的接口彼此调用,而不相邻层次则彼此透明,不能进行通信。

    Layer encapsulates the module call relationships inside it and the modules in different layers communicate by calling interface provided by their adjourn layers .

  30. 优化应该主要针对程序中最经常运行的部分,尤其是被内部循环反复调用的函数。

    The optimizations should be done on those parts of the program that are run the most , especially those methods which are called repeatedly by various inner loops that the program can have .