- 名internal administrative action

For our country , such questions as the mode of defining the scope of accepting administrative cases , whether abstract administrative action , internal administrative action and the resulting administrative action can be sued or not need further improvement .
The outline of theory construction for judicial succor in Inner-administration behavior
The Cause and Reflection of Disallowance of Lawsuit for Internal Executive Action
Therefore , it is necessary to set up the system of judicial review to internal administrative act .
Judicial succor for Inner-administration behaviors should abide by preposition of administrative reconsideration and programmed investigation examination of limited entities .
Banker 's draft ( bill ) On the Fuzzy Scopes between the Internal Administrative Acts and the External Administrative Acts
We will make analysis whether internal administrative acts should be included into the scope of administrative reconsideration and administrative procedure .
The third is broadening actionable range of administrative litigation . Deconstruction of the Actionable Condition of Civil Procedure in the Incidental Litigation
Personnel administrative acts studied in this essay refer to internal personnel management issues occur between administrative organ and its staff members .
Internal administrative act is governmental behavior carried on administrative organization inside the system that can affect staff members ' rights and duty practiced by administrative body .
From the perspective of ideal , the practice of system of rights remedy of civil servants is based on the theory of non-litigation of internal administrative activities .
It not only has the attribute of internal administrative behavior , and has the characteristics of external public supervision . It is a administrative supervision combining inside with outside .
Exclusive of judicial review to internal administrative act , which are neglecting staff members ' rights as normal citizens , as well as losing the restrict of internal administrative power .
So it need expanding in three respects : the object of litigation should be expanded to the inside administrative behavior , abstract administrative behavior , and the non-governmental public administration behavior ;
Such actions as abstract administrative action made according to and below rules and regulations , internal administrative actions related with the basic rights of official servants should be concluded in the scope of administrative lawsuits .
The " security " characteristic requests execution must be characterized by mandatory , and the " security " power can be obtained from other approaches without being with all behaviors , like internal standards as internal administrative act and abstract administrative act .
Put forward with internal administration action , abstract administration action and prep administration action as the modified case scope of administrative procedure law , and mention the theory gist and fact feasibility to list the above-mentioned action as the case scope of the administrative procedure law .
The means of the judicial remedy should be offered to the counterpart-the state civil ( servant ) who are given the internal administrative disciplinary measure .
Whether the internal administrative sanction is indictable remains one of the problems which has been disputed on the case scope of the Administrative Litigation of China among the academic circles .
Administrative punishment procedures , refers to the executive powers of the state administrative organs , and its internal administrative disciplinary actions of civil servants , a necessary step , and ways to achieve these steps , the timing and manner in order .
Handling the relationship of the administrative review system and other supervising systems inner administration properly .