
  • 网络Rotor;inner rotor;inner-rotor;internal rotor
  1. 内转子长半径为33.825mm;

    The longest radius of inner rotor 33.825mm ;

  2. 利用Pro/E提供的高级编程语言,成功地实现了适用于摆线齿轮泵中复杂实体-内转子的参数化自动实体建模。

    By use of the advanced programming language that Pro / E , 3D model parameterization of inner rotor can be finished successfully , which is very complex entity in cycloidal pump .

  3. 以某导弹发动机双转子系统为研究对象,将弹支挤压油膜阻尼器(简称SFD)用于内转子进行了动力特性分析。

    Dynamic characteristics of internal rotor-bearing system in a twin-spool engine for missle have been improved with Squeeze Film Damper ( SFD ) .

  4. 油泵内转子外形曲线方程的推导

    Derivation of the Formal Equation of the Oil Pump Internal Rotor

  5. 油泵内转子的外形曲线与计算机辅助设计

    The outer shape and CAD of the oil pumps inner rotors

  6. 摆线泵内转子公法线长度的计算和测量

    Calculation of common normal length of inner rotors in cycloidal pump

  7. 滚动转子式压缩机内转子径向间隙泄漏的研究

    Investigation of the Radial Clearance Leakage in Rolling Piston Compressor

  8. 摆线内转子裂纹的产生原因及预防

    Reason and prevention of the crack of blance line inner-rotor

  9. 汽缸内转子围带切削研究与实践

    Study And Practice Of Cover Band Cutting Of Inner Steam Turbine Rotor

  10. 机油泵内转子模具设计要点

    Key points in designing the dies for oil pump rotors

  11. 内转子齿数为8;

    The number of inner teeth , 8 ;

  12. 设计人员只需输入摆线内转子的尺寸参数,就可迅速地生成所需的三维实体模型。

    Only by inputting already known design parameters , designer may get 3D entity model what needs very accurately and rapidly .

  13. 在转子压缩机内转子和气缸之间采用间隙配合,其泄漏通道通过油膜来密封的。

    In rolling piston compressors , clearance fit is adopted between rotor and cylinder . Its leakage passages are pressurized by oil films .

  14. 并深讨了转子极数(两套定子绕组的极数配合)不同对内转子型电机各项性能的影响,为实际应用中电机转子的优化提供了理论依据。

    Furthermore , the influence of rotor pole-number to the various performances is discussed . All these results provide theoretical foundation for the optimization of the rotor in practical applications .

  15. 本文提出了一种新型双转子异步电动机,其外转子可分级调速,内转子驱动负载可无级变速;

    A new style double-rotator induction motor is suggested , the speed of its outer rotator can be ad-justed step by step , the interior rotator can drive a mechanical load .

  16. 在旋转机械中,普遍采用迷宫密封来阻止流体泄漏,当密封内转子因挠曲、不同心或旋转产生涡动运动时,会产生一个作用于转子上的合力&密封力。

    In rotating machinery , labyrinth seals are widely used to prevent fluid leakage . Due to deflection , misalignment or rotation of the whirl motion , it will produce a kind of force acting on the rotor-sealing force .

  17. 本文通过建立场路结合的状态空间模型将磁场与通电模式相结合,准确模拟了最小分析区间内转子每个位置的磁状态;

    In this paper , a state-space model based on the combination approach of electric-circuit and electromagnetic field is set up , which links the magnetic fields with conducting modes and precisely simulates each magnetic state of the rotor in a minimum analyzed region .

  18. 迷宫密封是旋转机械中常用的阻止流体泄漏的部件,当密封内转子因挠曲、偏心或旋转发生涡动运动时,密封内流体对转子产生合力,即密封力。

    In rotating machinery , labyrinth seals are widely used to prevent fluid leakage . Due to the whirl motion caused by the deflection , misalignment or rotation of the rotor , a sealing force which acts on the rotor will come into being .

  19. 对圆弧-摆线齿廓转子泵工作原理及运动关系进行分析的基础上.提出一种内转子摆线齿廓曲线的参数方程,解决了内转子加工以及损坏后难于测绘的难题。

    Based on the analysis of the working principle of arc-cycloidal gear pump and the motion relationships parametric equation of a kind of cycloidal curve ot internal tooth was put forward , the trouble of processing and mapping when the rear damaged was solved .

  20. 对电无级变速器中的核心部件&双机械端口电机进行了数学建模,模型采用双同步速坐标系,分别给出了考虑和忽略定子和内转子绕组之间耦合情况下的数学模型。

    The mathematic model of the key part of EVT Dual-Mechanical-Port Electrical Machine ( DMPEM ) has been established . The model is based on Dual-Synchronous-Coordinate ( DSC ), the conditions that with and without the coupling of inner rotor and stator windings are considered separately .

  21. 提出了一种适合高压差CO2制冷压缩机使用的内啮合转子机构,以短幅外摆线的外等距线为内转子,多段圆弧型线为外转子,建立了转子的型线方程;

    A type of internal-meshing rotary mechanism which could endure high pressure difference and be applied in CO2 refrigerating compressor is proposed . The profiles ' equations are derived from the inside short frame outer cycloid and multi-segment arc .

  22. 飞行器内裂纹转子系统的非线性动力学特性研究

    Nonlinear Dynamics of a Cracked Rotor in a Maneuvering Aircraft

  23. 汽轮发电机氢内冷转子三维温度场研究

    3-D Steady Temperature Distribution in a Hydrogen Inner-Cooled Turbogenerator Rotor

  24. 内啮合转子压缩机基本几何理论研究

    Essential Geometric Theory of Internal - meshing Rotary Compressor

  25. 对一种新型圆弧摆线内啮合转子泵进行了研究。

    A new type of arc cycloidal internal meshing rotary pump was studied .

  26. 内旋转子过滤离心机

    A Design of Filtration Centrifuge with Internal Rotor

  27. 用于人工肾透析装置的偏心内啮合转子泵

    An internal gear pump used for the hemodialysis

  28. 内磁转子轴向力的平衡直接影响泵机组的寿命和运转的可靠性。

    The balance of axial force on inner magnetic rotor directly affects the operation states and life of pump units .

  29. 内磁转子与被传动件相连,外磁转子与动力件相连。

    The inner magnetic rotor connect with the being transmissioned parts , and the outer magnetic rotor connect with the transmission parts .

  30. 介绍了绝缘孔及组合绝缘引水管两种水内冷转子新型绝缘引水管的研制及试验情况。

    Structure , material and test of two new insulated water pipes for rotor with direct water cooling are introduced in this paper .