
  • 网络endogenous origin;endogenous;origin endogenous
  1. 最后,提出了可以检验~(14)C地内起源证据的两类实验。

    Finally , two experiments testing the existence of the evidence for 14 ~ C originated inside the Earth have been suggested .

  2. 大白鼠臀中肌神经的脊髓内起源&F-HRP和CT-HRP法研究

    The Origins of the Spinal Cord of the Gluteal Muscular Nerve in Rats : A Retrograde HRP Study

  3. 利用brick-wall方法计算了Anti-DeSitter时空内起源于Dirac场的柱黑洞的量子熵。

    By using the brick-wall model , the quantum entropy of a cylindrical black hole in Anti-de Sitter space-time arising from the massless Dirac field is discussed .

  4. 其胚性原始细胞既有内起源,又有外起源。

    Both within the original cells of embryonic origin , but also foreign origin .

  5. 根为内起源,与维管组织结节有联系。

    The adventitious roots are endogenous in origin , which have relation with vascular tissue node .

  6. 猫交感颈上节和腰(1&5)节前神经元的脊髓内起源

    The Origin of Sympathetic Preganglion Neurons of the Superior Cervical and Lumbar_ ( 1-5 ) in the Spinal Cord of the Cat

  7. 不定根的发生为内起源,其维管组织与类原球茎的维管组织相连接,故移栽成活率高。

    The high survival rate of PLB plantlets is largely due to the fact that the root primordium was inner-genetic and connected with the buds through the vascular system in PLB .

  8. 但是通过ERP监测脑的电激活比精确追溯它们脑内的起源要困难。

    But the electrical brain activations detected with ERPs are harder to trace back to their exact origins inside the brain .

  9. 盆腔内多起源肿瘤1例报告

    One Case : Multi - original Tumor in Pelvic Cavity

  10. 本章首先简要介绍了融资租赁在世界范围内的起源及发展情况,分析了融资租赁在中国的历史演进情况。

    This part firstly introduces the worldwide origin and development situations of financial lease , analyzes the historical evolution of financial lease in China .

  11. 根据细胞器内共生起源学说,蓝细菌是叶绿体的祖先,在进化生物学上具有重要的意义,因此本课题的研究可以可能为叶绿体的起源和进化提供一些证据。

    As the cyanobacteria is thought to be the ancestor of chloroplasts , so it is of great significance in evolutionary biology and this study could provided some evidence for the the origin and evolution of chloroplast .

  12. 遗存于中国内水、领海内的一切起源于中国的、起源国不明的和起源于外国的文物;

    All the cultural relics of Chinese origin , or of unidentified origin , or of foreign origin that remain in the Chinese inland waters and territorial waters ;

  13. 追溯了路径跟踪内点方法的起源、应用和发展趋势,阐述了该方法的基本理论。

    The origin , application and development of path following interior point method are traced back and the basic theory of this algorithm is set forth .