
  • 网络Cohesion;Cohesion Degree
  1. 基于词典和语料库的概念内聚度研究

    Study of Concept Cohesion Based on Lexicon and Corpus

  2. 一种基于结构熵的类内聚度度量方法

    Approach to measurement of class cohesion based on structure entropy

  3. 系统功能模块划分鲜明,做到模块与模块间耦合度低,模块内聚度高。

    System had been divided into distinct modules with low coupling and high coherent .

  4. 对武器贸易网络进行派系,k-丛,k-核等凝聚子群分析,找出内聚度较高的小团体,可以帮助我们确定研究武器贸易活动需要重点关注的群体。

    Analyzed the arms trade network with cliques , k-plex and k-core analysis , to identify " small groups " with high cohesion degree .

  5. 您也许会说,可以为每一个功能性性能都创建一个单独的服务,但是这将会导致产生一个复杂的系统,该系统在内聚度和封装性上面的表现十分糟糕。

    You could also create a separate service for each functional capability , but this would result in a very complex system that would not reflect good encapsulation and cohesion .