
  • 网络hemorrhage of internal hemorrhoids
  1. 多普勒引导痔动脉结扎治疗内痔出血19例的临床效果

    Clinical Effect of Doppler Guided Hemorrhoidal Artery Ligation on 19 Cases of Hemorrhage of Internal Hemorrhoids

  2. 结论:PPH术适用于内痔出血、Ⅲ期、部分Ⅳ期痔的患者,对合并有直肠前突、直肠黏膜脱垂、肛门肌瘤、新鲜肛裂、皮下瘘的环状混合痔疗效也较好。

    Conclusion : PPH has been applied to grades UK partial IV circular mixed hemorrhoids , with rectocele anal bump fresh anal fissure or mucosa prolapse , especial bleeding patients for internal hemorrhoids .

  3. 方法:用多普勒血流仪引导注射治疗内痔出血与脱出,与单纯注射治疗对照观察。

    Methods : With Doppler Blood flow Detector guide , sclerosing agent was injected for bleeding and prolapse of hemrrhoids ( therapeutic group ) .

  4. 双囊三腔管在内痔术后大出血中的应用

    Application of Sengstaken-Blakemore Tube to Arrest the Bleeding after Internal Hemorrhoidectomy

  5. 复合高渗盐溶液低温灌注治疗内痔术后大出血

    Perfusive treatment of piles by compound hypertonic saline solution in low temperature