
  • 网络endogenic process
  1. 作为西方经济学的一个新兴理论分支,新增长理论试图论证,经济增长是经济系统内生因素作用的结果。

    As a new branch of Western economics , new growth theory tries to prove that economic growth is the result of the effect of internal factors in the economic system .

  2. 目的:STG-2000多功能创伤治疗仪是通过旋转干扰电场产生的内生电流发挥作用,评价其对骨折愈合和运动系统慢性损伤的治疗效果。

    AIM : STG-2000 multi-function wound treatment instrument takes effect through inside electricity generated by revolved interference electric field . To evaluate the curative effect on healing of bone fracture and chronic injury of locomotor system .

  3. 经济效率内生增长的作用机制

    An Analysis of the Affection Mechanism of Economic Efficiency Endogenous Growth

  4. 西部新型工业化有赖于经济系统中内生变量的作用。

    Endogenous variable plays a significant role in the western industrialization of China .

  5. 根瘤菌不但可以在豆科植物的根部形成共生固氮的根瘤,而且还可以在自然条件下与重要的谷类作物的根形成内生的联合作用。

    Rhizobia , the root-nodule endosymbionts of leguminous plants , also form natural endophytic associations with roots of important cereal plants .

  6. 理论分析之后,本文结合中国实际来说明中国的问题在于目前还不具备让市场内生主体发挥作用的制度环境,因此假货在中国市场上的猖獗也就是必然的了。

    After the theoretical analysis , the paper shows that the problem of China lies in the lack of a good institution environment in which the endogenetic organizations can play their role , so the rampancy of the fake merchandise problem in the market is inevitable .

  7. 综合分析认为,H-32、H-18和G-6等内生菌的抑菌作用值得进一步研究。

    The results indicated that the antifungal activities of H-32 , H-18 and G-6 were worth the further study .

  8. 断裂破碎带对内生金矿的控制作用

    Controlling of faulted fracture zones over the endogenetic gold deposit

  9. 同成矿期构造减压扩容对内生金矿的控制作用

    Control Function of Metallogenetic Epoch Structral Decompression and Expansion on Endogenic Gold Deposits

  10. 壳幔物质相互作用在形成巨型内生矿床中的作用:同位素地球化学方法

    Using isotope geochemistry to discuss the role of crust-mantle interaction in the formation of endogenetic mega-deposits

  11. 土地制度是我国农村经济和社会发展的内生变量,其作用至关重要。

    The function of land system is more important because land system is an endogenetic variable of the development of rural e-conomy and society .

  12. 芦苇内生真菌的拮抗作用及生防效果初探芦苇生物活性组分对小球藻生长的促进效应

    Antagonisms of Fungal Endophytes Isolated from Reed and Primary Investigation of the Biocontrol Efficacy ; Enhancing effect of Phragmites australis bioactive substances on the growth of Chlorella pyrenoidosa