
nèi fēn mì zhì liáo
  • endocrine therapy
  1. 大肠癌的ER检测可以作为内分泌治疗的依据。

    Examination of ER in CRC is the basis of endocrine therapy .

  2. 乳腺癌组织ERβ表达与内分泌治疗效果和预后的关系

    Correlation Between Expression of Estrogen Receptor Beta and Endocrine Therapy Result and Prognosis in Breast Cancer Patients

  3. 前列腺癌内分泌治疗疗效的MRI评价

    Effects of endocrine therapy on the primary lesions in patients with prostate cancer as evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging

  4. AR基因表达在前列腺癌内分泌治疗抵抗的发生中的作用是目前研究的热点。

    The role of AR in prostate cancer endocrine therapy resistance have been research focus .

  5. 结论ER、PR是用于判断预后、指导内分泌治疗的一项重要指标。

    Conclusions ER and PR are important indexes for judging prognosis and directing endocrine treatment .

  6. PR阳性意味着内分泌治疗有效率高,预后较好。

    PR-positive means the high efficient of endocrine therapy , and the prognosis is better .

  7. 临床上对于雌激素受体(ER)阳性表达乳腺癌患者,常采用内分泌治疗。

    Endocrine therapy is often used in the clinical therapy of breast cancer patients ( ER positive ) .

  8. ER或PR阳性的乳腺癌病例均可采用内分泌治疗。

    Endocrine therapy could be adopted in the cases of breast cancer with either ER or PR positive .

  9. ER(-)PR(+)乳腺癌辅助内分泌治疗的疗效

    The efficacy of adjuvant endocrine therapy for ER ( - ) PR ( + ) primary breast cancer

  10. 多因素分析显示:对OS有独立影响的因素为腋窝淋巴结转移和术后内分泌治疗(P0.05)。

    Multivariate analysis showed that : the number of axillary lymph node metastasis and adjuvant endocrine therapy were independent prognostic factors .

  11. 雌激素受体(ER)-α状态是乳腺癌预后和内分泌治疗疗效的重要预测指标。

    Estrogen receptor ( ER ) - α status is an important predictor for both prognosis and clinical response to endocrine therapy .

  12. 2例术后PSA未降至正常,加用氟他胺行辅助内分泌治疗后逐渐降至正常。

    Cases had not decreased to normal PSA , plus flutamide adjuvant hormone therapy , they gradually returned to normal .

  13. 雌激素诱导蛋白pS2表达与ER阳性原发乳腺癌患者辅助内分泌治疗疗效的关系

    Estrogen - induced protein PS2 and response to adjuvant tamoxifen therapy in primary breast cancer with er - positive

  14. 目的在DNA分子水平上探讨雌激素受体(ER)表达与肺癌生物学行为的关系及内分泌治疗的价值。

    Objective To explore the relationship between the biological behavior of lung cancer and the expression of estrogen receptor in DNA levels and the value of endocrine treatment in lung cancer .

  15. 分层分析示:激素受体双阳性、HER-2(-/+)患者更能从术后内分泌治疗中获益(P0.05)。

    Stratified analysis showed : hormone receptor-positive , HER-2 - / + patients can benefit more from adjuvant endocrine therapy ( P0.05 ) .

  16. 另外临床上仍有约1/5的前列腺癌患者原发性缺乏AR表达,这些患者对内分泌治疗反应均差。

    Moreover , there remain one fifth of prostate cancers primarily lack the expression of AR protein ( AR ) and they are rarely responsive to hormonal therapy .

  17. ERβ、ERβ1和ERβ2的表达与未经内分泌治疗的三阴性乳腺癌预后无明显相关性。

    The expression of ER β, ER β 1 and ER β 2 expression showed no significant correlation with the clinical prognosis of triple negative breast without endocrine therapy .

  18. 目的:探讨黄体功能不足患者治疗前后子宫内膜雌激素受体(ER)、孕激素受体(PR)的表达,为临床内分泌治疗和预后判断提供理论依据。

    Objective : To study the relationship between endometrium receptor of Estrogen Receptor ( ER ) and Progesterone Receptor ( PR ) in infertile women with Luteal insufficiency .

  19. 尽管目前针对雌激素和雌激索受体的内分泌治疗取得了很大进展,在ER阳性患者中获得了较好的疗效,但是对于ER阴性乳腺癌患者仍然没有有效的治疗靶点。

    Although significant progress has been made in the development of endocrine therapies that target estrogen or ER for ER-positive tumors , there is no valid target for ER-negative tumors .

  20. PS2表达在判断乳腺癌预后和指导内分泌治疗中的价值

    Clinical Value of PS2 Expression in Evaluating Prognosis and Directing Endocrine Therapy of Breast Cancer

  21. 乳腺癌是全世界妇女中发病率最高的恶性肿瘤,在乳腺癌中雌激素受体(ER)常作为一个重要分子标志物用于评估激素依赖性、预测内分泌治疗的效果。

    Objective : Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women . estrogen receptor is usually an important molecule marker to evaluate hormonal dependence and predict the effect of endocrine therapy .

  22. 但内分泌治疗效果对于阴性患者来说很不明显,如果能通过药物诱导能使这些患者的ER重新恢复表达,那么将为ER阴性表达的乳腺癌患者开辟新的治疗途径。

    But for negative patients , the effect is not obvious with endocrine treatment . If ER can re-express for ER-negative breast cancer patients , they will get a new ways of treatment .

  23. 但是,部分患者在内分泌治疗18~24个月后会对治疗不再敏感,转变为激素难治性前列腺癌,其生存期一般不超过12个月,研究发现原因是其AR转为阴性。

    But after 18-24 months , part of these cancers will be not sensitive to hormonal therapy any longer . Some studies indicate the change form AR + to AR - is the reason .

  24. PCa作为激素依赖性肿瘤,其细胞增殖主要受雄激素/雄激素受体(androgenreceptor,AR)信号途径调节,因此内分泌治疗是治疗中晚期PCa的首选方法。

    PCa is an androgen-dependent tumor , whose proliferation is mainly mediated by androgen / androgen receptor ( AR ) signal pathway , so androgen ablation serves as a standard treatment for advanced patients .

  25. 目的:探讨孕激素受体(PR)对雌激素受体阳性(ER+)乳腺癌患者,尤其是老年患者的内分泌治疗效果的预测作用。

    Objective : To investigate the predictive value of progesterone receptor ( PR ) status for adjuvant endocrine therapy in estrogen receptor-positive ( ER + ) breast cancer patients , especially the aged .

  26. 结论pS2的表达对乳腺患者的内分泌治疗有一定的指导意义。

    Conclusion pS2 gene appears to be a factor that can be used to instruct the endocrinotherapy of breast cancer .

  27. 据本实验所得结果提示ERβ表达水平可能影响乳腺癌内分泌治疗效果,其高表达者可能对TAM等药物不敏感甚至可能引起对他莫昔芬治疗抵抗和耐药。

    According to our study , obtained results suggested thatER β expression levels could affect the treatment of breast cancer on endocrinetherapy , and its overexpression may lead to tamoxifen resistance .

  28. 结论PR、pS2表达与ER有关,PR、pS2确能反映雌激素调节系统的完整性,可作为预测内分泌治疗效果的指标。

    Conclusion Expressions of PR and pS2 are correlated with ER . Expressions of PR and pS2 do reflect the integrality of the estrogen regulated system in breast carcinoma .

  29. 选择性COX-2抑制剂可联合化疗、内分泌治疗及生物治疗等,作为肿瘤治疗的辅助药物应用于临床,为乳腺癌的治疗提供一种新的途径。

    Selective COX-2 inhibitors can combine with chemotherapy , endocrine therapy and biotherapy . It is gradually used for adjunctive therapy and provides a new pathway for the therapy of breast cancer .

  30. HER-2高表达的乳腺癌患者采用化疗、放疗、内分泌治疗及联合治疗等多种治疗手段无显著疗效,且预后不良。

    HER-2 overexpression is a poor prognostic factor and may be associated with increased resistance to cancer chemotherapy , radiotherapy , endocrine therapy and co-adjuvant therapy .