
  • 网络Regimen;Regime
  1. 米歇尔·塔姆(MichelleTam)的经历就是如此,她原本是加利福尼亚州帕罗阿尔托的药剂师,目前在尝试原始人睡眠养生法。

    That was the experience of Michelle Tam , a former pharmacist in Palo Alto , Calif. , who has adopted a primal sleep regimen .

  2. 你这样的养生法一定可以长寿。

    Under such a regimen you 'll certainly live long .

  3. 从现在起你必须遵守一种非常严格的养生法。

    From now on you must keep to a really strict regime .

  4. 一个有规则的制度,如饮食和锻炼(制度);养生法。

    A regulated system , as of diet and exercise ; a regimen .

  5. 很多世纪以来中国人习练有关身体的养生法同时获得灵性方面的修为。

    They have for centuries been practicing physical regimens that have spiritual connections .

  6. 事实证明这个定制的养生法非常的有用,塔夫脱的体重减轻了60磅(27kg)。

    It actually worked − Taft lost 60 pounds ( 27 kilograms ) .

  7. 医家明堂论与道教的明堂符号养生法

    Doctor Mingtang Theory and Daoism Mingtang Symbol Regimen

  8. 一些排毒养生法倡导人们多吃蔬菜,这的确对健康大有益处。

    Eating more vegetables is great , as some detox regimens ask people to do .

  9. 他饮食起居均按规定的养生法进行。

    He kept to his prescribed regimen .

  10. 这意味着你可能没怎么提前计划就开始新的饮食养生法。

    This means you are likely to start a new eating regimen without too much planning .

  11. 中国传统养生法对预防运动早衰的作用

    The Use of the Chinese Traditional Way of Health-care to Prevent The Early Weakness in Sports

  12. 辟谷班,是以风水、辟谷和持经三管齐下之绝妙养生法!

    Bigu class , is an excellent health preserving method combining geomancy , Bigu and scripture holding !

  13. 一些遵循该养生法的人称,结果他们感到精力更充沛,头脑更清醒并且胀气更少了。

    Some followers say they feel more energetic , more clearheaded and less gassy as a result .

  14. 太空飞行期间,宇航员接受一种强化养生法锻炼,以期防止骨损和肌损。

    During Space Flights , astronauts follow vigorous exercise regimes to try and prevent bone and muscle loss .

  15. 这些专家称,有些排毒养生法就是靠限制卡路里摄入水平,如果长期遵循这样的限制标准进食,可能会危及人的健康。

    Some detox regimens rely on what could be dangerous levels of calorie restriction if followed for long periods , these experts say .

  16. 来点变化,尝试一下规定饮食养生法和新的运动项目,它们可能带来你意想不到的作用。

    Point to changes in diet and try to make the provisions of the new health and sports , they may bring you an unexpected effect .

  17. 谢尔顿:不是,你过奖了,但很遗憾,不是。我也在计划开始一个运动养生法,用来加强我的心血管系统,亦称慢跑。

    Sheldon : No. Flattering , but sadly , no. I 'm also planning to begin an exercise designed to strengthen my system . AKA jogging .

  18. 在桥涵工程施工中,采用了耐久性混凝土,采用了三步养生法,保证了结构物内实外美。

    During the construction of bridge and culvert , durable concrete and three-step maintenance method are adopted to assure the outside and inside beauty of structure .

  19. 不过研究结果建议人们将欢笑作为健身计划的一部分(而不要把它当作唯一的健身养生法)。所以尽管去吧,大声地笑,或是再激烈一点:笑得在地板上打滚。

    But the results suggest you might make giggling part of your fitness routine . So go ahead , LOL. Or for a full workout , ROTFL .

  20. 最理想的是,你先选择一种养生法,然后使之个性化,因此就区别于规范化的方法了。

    You are an innovative and original thinker and ideally you could select a regimen and then individualise it so that it is different from the norm .

  21. 你也可以发送减肥食谱,健康养生法或任何你觉得可以帮你朋友找到动力的东西。

    and you can also post links to recipes , fitness regimes , or basically anything that you feel might help your friends to find some motivation .

  22. 由于仅依靠推介这个养生法难以维持生计,他利用他精通八门语言来挣钱:翻译医学课本。

    Since there was little chance of earning a living by simply recommending this regimen , he supplemented his income by using his fluency in eight languages : he undertook to translate medical texts .

  23. 瑜伽健身是动静结合的养生健身法,适于各种年龄的人练习。

    Yoga is a series of exercises to keep good health combining active motions and stable breathing , which suits people of various age groups .

  24. 维克平均每月做5次飞机,她有一套在登机之前严格遵守的养生之法。

    Vickers flies five times a month on average and has a regime she abides by to see her through long before she gets on the plane .

  25. 本研究系由一般或使用炉石、飞灰或矽灰之水泥砂浆与混凝土来探讨加速养生及其试验法。

    In this study , cement sand paste and common concrete with or without slag , fly ash and silica fume were used to investigate some accelerated curing on the strength and permeability of concrete .

  26. 推广易筋运动、活力八段锦、桩功、养生太极拳练习法。

    Promote Yijin exercise which includes : Yijin Stretching Exercise , Taijiquan , and Brocade Aerobic .

  27. 中国传统养生方法之精神养生法

    Chinese Traditional Mental Health Preservation