
  • 网络nutrient release
  1. HA复合肥的养分释放运移特点与土壤培肥效应研究

    Study on nutrient release and movement and soil fertility applied by humic acid compound fertilizer

  2. CCU在干旱的土壤中表现出优于聚合物包膜肥料的养分释放特性。

    In drought soil , CCU has a better nutrient release characteristic than polymer coated urea .

  3. 砂质土壤pH对中性缓释复合肥养分释放特性的影响研究

    Effect on Nutrient Release Characteristics of Neutral Compound Slow Release Fertilizer by Sand Soil pH

  4. 聚合物包膜NPK复合肥料养分释放滞后期的研究

    Lag period of nutrient release from polymer - coated NPK compound fertilizers

  5. 以玉米秆为材料,研究了荒漠生态系统下残茬的腐解率和腐解物的有机C、N、K的含量、养分释放率及C/N的变化。

    Quantitative studies on changes of decomposition rate , C / N ratio , N , K and organic C of corn residue during decomposition in desert ecosystem were carried out in Fukang , Xinjiang .

  6. 因此,Richards函数比Logistic函数能更准确地描述和预测树脂膜对不同控释肥养分释放动力学特性。

    It is concluded that Richards equation is better than Logistic one to describe and forecast nutrient release dynamic properties of the multi-longevity CRFs by using ion exchange resin membrane .

  7. 采用7d静置法和土壤培养试验,对聚合物包膜控释肥料养分释放动态进行了研究。

    Seven day no shaking method and soil incubation experiment were used to study the nutrient release dynamics of polymer coated released fertilizers .

  8. 【结果】树脂包膜控释肥料累积释放曲线都呈二次曲线,相关系数r均大于0.995。随着温度的升高供试控释肥料养分释放加快。

    【 Result 】 Patterns of cumulative nutrients release curve would fit to one factor quadric regression equation at each given temperatures , and all of relative co-efficient was bigger than 0.995 . With the temperature increasing , nutrients release of the CRFs increased .

  9. 利用XS-2和XS-3所加工的有机复混肥颗粒在水溶液中N、P、K养分释放缓慢,浸泡7天后其养分累计释放率都在80%以下;

    N , P and K nutrient in XS-2 and XS-3 organic composite fertilizer grains releases slowly among aqueous solution , and nutrient releasing rates are all under 80 % after 7 days soak .

  10. 探讨了土壤中水分对壳聚糖包膜尿素(CCU)养分释放特性的影响。

    Experiments for nutrient release of chitosan coated urea ( CCU ) were carried out to elucidate the effect of moisture on nutrient release characteristic of CCU .

  11. 结果表明:CCU具有很好的缓释效果,养分释放率与包膜内水蒸气压差呈线性关系;

    Results showed that , CCU is a good slow-release fertilizer . The nutrient release is linearly related to the water vapor pressure and depends on the ion concentration of liquid medium .

  12. 从容重、空隙度、栽培过程中EC值和pH值的变化、基质养分释放量、番茄养分吸收量、产量、成本等方面对5种有机基质的理化性质及栽培效益进行了分析。

    The physical-chemical properties of five organic substrates and tomato growing profits are evaluated with their density , porosity , changes of pH value , EC value , N , P , K contents at the beginning and end of tomato growing , nutrient absorption , cost and tomato yield .

  13. CCU的养分释放是单个颗粒在不同时间内释放养分的累积行为,单个颗粒不能提供满足要求的持续的养分释放。

    The release of CCU is attributed to the cumulative effect of particles that each release ( nutrient ) individually at a different time , since individual granule is unable to release urea sufficient for the demand .

  14. 结果表明,在恒温条件下培养42d,包膜型控释尿素在土壤中确有控制养分释放、延长供氮时间的作用,与对照相比供氮时间可延长30d以上。

    The results indicated that the period of nitrogen release of the coated urea was 30 days longer than that of CK under the constant temperature ( 25 ℃) during 42 days incubation .

  15. 通过壳聚糖包膜尿素(CCU)在15℃、25℃、35℃、45℃水中的释放实验,描述了其养分释放特性,探讨了温度对CCU养分释放特性的影响。

    In order to examine the effect of temperature on N release characteristic of CCU ( chitosan coated urea ), a release experiment was carried out in water at selected temperature ( 15 ℃, 25 ℃, 35 ℃, and 45 ℃) .

  16. 硫膜的厚度对PSCU的养分释放期起决定性作用,养分初期溶出率随着硫膜厚度的增加而降低,养分释放期相对延长;

    The thickness and percentage of the sulphur coating of PSCU play a key role in its nutrient release duration , the initial releasing rate decreases and the nutrient releasing duration is prolonged as-its thickness and percentage increasing .

  17. 实验结果表明,桐油在复合肥料颗粒表面经热固化后形成连续和附着良好的包膜层,包膜率为10.1%的桐油包膜复合肥料的80%养分释放时间可达到27d。

    The experimental results show that tung oil on the surface of the compound fertilizer granules after heat solidification forms a continuous envelope with good adherence , and tung oil-coated compound fertilizers with a coating rate of 10.1 % have 80 % of their nutrients released in 27 days .

  18. 包膜缓释肥料养分释放速率评价方法的探讨

    Evaluation Method for Nutrient Release Rate of Coated Slow Release Fertilizer

  19. 包膜尿素的养分释放特征及其肥效

    Nutrient Release Characteristic of Coated Urea and Its Efficiency on Rice

  20. 缓控释肥料在不同介质中的养分释放特性及其肥效

    Nutrient release characteristics and use efficiency of slow-and controlled release fertilizers

  21. 水曲柳落叶松细根分解与养分释放

    Fine Root Decomposition and Nutrient Release in Ash and Larch Forests

  22. 膜控型缓控释肥料养分释放模型的研究

    The Nutrient Release Model of Film-controlled Slow & Controlled Release Fertilizer

  23. 麦秆、油菜秆还田腐解速率及养分释放规律研究

    Nutrient release patterns and decomposing rates of wheat and rapeseed straw

  24. 无机包膜(裹)肥料生产工艺及养分释放研究

    Studies on Technological Process and Nutrient Release Dynamics of Inorganic Coated Fertilizers

  25. 白鳝泥在复混肥造粒及养分释放上的应用研究

    Application Research of Bleached Soils on Compound Fertilizer Granulation and Nutrient Releasing

  26. 随着温度的升高供试控释肥料养分释放加快。

    With the temperature increasing , nutrients release of the CRFs increased .

  27. 木麻黄人工林细根分解过程中的养分释放及能量归还

    Nutrient Release and Energy Return of Fine Roots in Casuarina equisetifolia Plantation

  28. 几种有机高聚物包膜肥料养分释放速率研究

    Study on Nutrient Release Rate of Some Organic Polymer Coating Controlled-release Fertilizers

  29. 基于胶粘物质的肥料控释装置的方案设计及其养分释放模拟

    Release system for controlled release fertilizers based on gel materials

  30. 包膜氮肥养分释放研究混煤燃烧氮析出特性试验研究

    Experimental Studies on the Characteristics of Nitrogen Releasing from the Blended Coal