
  • 网络pawnshop;pawn shop;pawnbroker
  1. 华夏银行表示,支持这款理财产品的资产来自位于中国中部欠发达省份河南的一家典当行以及一家汽车销售公司。

    Hua Xia said the products were backed by assets from a pawn shop and a car sales company in the poor central province of Henan .

  2. 福尔摩斯从尸体上取得一枚怀表,经过仔细辨认得知怀表的来源是伦敦的一家典当行,并据此获得了红头发侏儒Reordan的地址。

    Holmes takes a pocket watch from the corpse , identifies it as having come from a London pawn shop , and obtains an address for its owner from the business .

  3. 西安市WTG典当行核心竞争力的提升对策研究

    A Study on the Key Competitiveness Improvement of Xi'an WTG Pawnshop

  4. 布尔斯托尔大学个人金融研究中心,ElaineKempson,在对典当行客户中调查发现,超过一半人靠典当购买日常所需,包括食物。

    In a survey of pawnshop customers , Elaine Kempson , from Bristol University 's Personal Finance Research Centre , found that over half had pawned possessions to buy daily necessities , including food .

  5. “我们有一个抵押贷款商他当了妻子的珠宝以及他们的瓦伊金锅炉,”一个拥有五家典当行的老板说,只要在E-bay上卖的东西,都能拿去做抵押。

    " We had one mortgage broker who pawned his wife 's jewelry and their Viking oven ," says the owner of five pawn shops who takes " everything that can be sold on E-bay " as collateral .

  6. 挨着典当行是一个小酒吧。

    There was a little bar next to the pawn shop .

  7. 典当行作为一种特殊的工商企业,已成为时下人们讨论的热点。

    The pawnshop is a kind of special industrial and commercial enterprise .

  8. 此外,典当行突显出某些投资者不计后果的特点。

    Moreover , the pawnshops underline a reckless streak in some investors .

  9. 论典当行误收当盗赃物之处理

    On Dealing with the Obtainment of Booty Innocently by Pawnshop

  10. 在典当行询问的来历。

    Go see mamma Hogg at the medical center .

  11. 典当行监管体制改革后的新思考

    New Thinking on the Controllable Systems of Reformed Pawnshop

  12. 父亲在典当行门口停下了。

    Father just stopped off at a pawn shop .

  13. 我们把相关信息派发给了典当行。

    We forwarded that info to the pawn detail .

  14. 异军突起的新兴产业&典当行

    The Sudden Emergence of New Industries & Pawnshop

  15. 近期在俄罗斯,典当行算是为数不多的几个经营还有起色的地方。

    Pawnshops are among the few places in Russia where activity is up these days .

  16. 典当行增加了广告投放。

    Pawnbrokers have stepped up their advertising .

  17. 其他典当行公布的数据也类似。

    Other pawnshops report similar figures .

  18. 典当行不需要信用调查,也不会损害当户的信用记录。

    Pawnbrokers do not make credit checks , and using them does not imperil credit ratings .

  19. 金融危机中崛起的产业一一典当行

    Pawnbroking-A Rising Industry In Financial Crisis

  20. 典当行制度研究

    Research on the System of Pawnshop

  21. 现实需要典当行。

    At present need pawn profession .

  22. 对于小企业和初创企业而言,影子银行更类似于典当行或高利贷。

    The shadow banks are more akin to pawn shops or loan sharks for small companies and start-ups .

  23. 我把车开到市中心的一个环境较差的地方,这里到处是典当行、廉价酒吧,还有酒鬼。

    I drove downtown to an unpleasant area where the hock shops , cheap bars and winos were .

  24. 中国股市的狂热,已经波及上海市中心天成典当行。

    China 's stock market mania has reached the dowdy , two-room offices of the Tiancheng pawnshop in central Shanghai .

  25. 不过,贷款期限往往只有几个月,因此,对于典当行的贷款,企业也就欣然接受了。

    But the financing is only meant to be for a few months and businesses have lapped up the pawnshop loans .

  26. 3年前,当典当行开始接受房屋作为抵押品时,大多数消费者希望迅速得到现金,是为了创业。

    When the pawnshops started accepting houses as collateral three years ago , most customers wanted quick cash to start a business .

  27. 这是典当行的,当然不希望看到,他们不愿意这样做。

    This is for the pawn line , of course , do not wish to see , they were reluctant to do so .

  28. 典当行经营不动产抵押业务,已成为典当业发展的一个新的经济增长点。

    Pawnbroker operates in the mortgage of real estate , which becomes a new point of economic growth in the development of pawnbroking .

  29. 典当行表示,人们乐于将房产证兑换成现金,以投资股市。

    Pawn shops said that people were willing to exchange the deeds to their houses in return for money to invest in the market .

  30. 刘先生是某家房地产公司的老总,由于资金周转不灵的情况时有发生,因此经常涉足典当行。

    Mr Lau is a family real estate company mister , because of cash flow problems have occurred , and therefore often get hock OK .