
jù xiànɡ
  • concrete image;concreteness
  • concrete;specific;exact;detailed
具象 [jù xiàng]
  • [concretization] 具有实象存在,与抽象相对

  • 功利主义倾向在这小说里获得了逼真的具象化

  1. 具象的哲学思想:宇宙图式的建筑

    Philosophy Thought in Concrete Image : Architecture as Cosmic

  2. 中期艺术在某些方面与早期艺术相同,如具象的特征,对对象传神的摹写等,但又有所不同,是早期艺术向晚期艺术过渡阶段;

    Although the art in the metaphase bears some resemblance with that of the early stage in several aspects , such as concrete image and lifelike description of the object , there are slight differences indicating a transition period from the early stage to the later one .

  3. 他的绘画经历了具象风格和抽象风格两个阶段。

    His painting went through both representational and abstract periods .

  4. 这首诗过于具象。

    This poem is too concrete .

  5. REST软件架构基于具象资源传输。

    The REST software architecture is based on transferring representation of resources .

  6. (具象状态传输(REST)是一种架构样式)。

    ( Representational State Transfer ( REST ) is an architectural style . )

  7. 任何基于REST的系统都应该预见到客户机需要访问相关的资源,应该在返回的资源具象中包含这些资源。

    Any REST-based system should anticipate the client need to access related resources and should include them in the representations of the resource returned .

  8. 具象状态传输(RepresentationalStateTransfer,REST)是一种用于构建分布式系统的软件架构样式,它的表现形式是Web本身。

    Representational State Transfer ( REST ) is a style of software architecture for building a distributed system , which the Web itself embodies .

  9. 具象状态传输(RepresentationalStateTransfer,REST)是用于访问和更新网络资源的软件架构模式和调用样式。

    Representational State Transfer ( REST ) is a software architecture pattern and invocation style for accessing and updating resources on a network .

  10. 从本质上说,3D风网图表达的是“具象”的通风网络图,它超越了传统平面网络图的技术层面。

    In essence , 3D ventilation network graph is a'figurative'ventilation network graph , and it surpasses the technical level of the conventional planar network graph .

  11. 常见的访问方法使用RESTful(具象状态传输)应用编程接口(API)。

    The common access methods use RESTful ( Representational State Transfer ) application programming interfaces ( APIs ) .

  12. RESTAPI的名称表明,TwitterAPI试着符合具象状态传输的设计原理。

    As the name of the REST API implies , the Twitter API attempts to conform to the design principles of Representational State Transfer .

  13. 了解SOAP的历史,以及它与Web服务、面向服务架构(SOA)和具象状态传输(RepresentationalStateTransfer,REST)之间的关系。

    Understand the history of SOAP , as well as its relation to Web services , Service-Oriented Architecture ( SOA ), and Representational State Transfer ( REST ) .

  14. 一些较新的方法,如具象状态传输(ReST),使用URL指定位置、对象和方法,提供受控制的文件访问。

    Newer methods such as Representational State Transfer ( ReST ) provide managed file access using URLs to specify the location , object , and method .

  15. RepresentationalStateTransfer(简称REST,中文翻译“具象状态传输”。REST这个名称是由RoyFielding首创的)并不是一个协议或技术;它是一种体系结构风格。

    Representational State Transfer ( REST ; the name was coined by Roy Fielding ) isn 't a protocol or technology : It 's an architectural style .

  16. 每个RESTful接口必须决定支持它的客户机使用哪种具象。

    Every RESTful interface has to decide on the different kinds of representations it supports to its clients .

  17. 位于Dojo扩展库DojoX之中,允许您将您的应用程序快速连接到后端具象状态传输(RepresentationalStateTransfer,REST)服务。

    JsonRestStore , located in the Dojo extensions library DojoX , lets you quickly wire your applications to back-end Representational State Transfer ( REST ) services .

  18. 客户端通过此URI查询或更新这个资源,进而影响其具象状态更改。

    The client queries or updates the resource through the URI and , therefore , influences a state change in its representation .

  19. 现代CG插画特指用计算机创作完成的插画,它的核心是新科技、新技术所提供的数码具象化的视觉形式。

    Modern CG illustrations refer to illustrations created by computer , with a visual form of digital realization provided by new technology .

  20. 简言之,客户端程序可以使用各种HTTP方法通过URI访问、更新、添加或删除一个Web资源,并进而更改其具象状态。

    In simple terms , a client program can access , update , add , or remove a Web resource through URI using various HTTP methods , thereby changing its representational state .

  21. REST架构样式强烈建议使用统一资源标识符(URI)来定位和访问资源的表示&称为资源的具象状态。

    The REST architectural style strongly suggests the use of uniform resource identifiers ( URIs ) to locate and access representations of resources & known as the representational state of the resource .

  22. 神秘主义与建筑思维建筑理性的非理性表达理性的具象对DanKiley的他者解读

    Mysticism and Architectural Thought ── Irrational Expression of Architectural Rationality Representation of Logos - A Different Interpretation for Dan Kiley

  23. 同样的具象化也可运用在CPT违逆上,在此情形下,粒子与反粒子对于背景场有不同的耦合作用。

    A similar visualization works for CPT violation , but in this case the effects occur because particles and antiparticles have different couplings to the background fields .

  24. 有3种访问DBaaS的主要方法:通过一个图形用户界面(GUI)、命令行界面(CLI)或直接通过一个标准的具象状态传输(REST)接口。

    There are three main methods of accessing DBaaS : through a graphical user interface ( GUI ), command line interface ( CLI ), or directly via a standard representational state transfer ( REST ) interface .

  25. 我曾在许多类型的画上运行过Seurat,在抽象艺术和具象艺术方面都得到了有趣的结果。

    I 've run Seurat on many types of paintings , with interesting results on both abstract and representational art .

  26. 澳大利亚昆士兰格里菲斯大学(GriffithUniversity)的两名研究人员马克西姆·奥贝特(MaximeAubert)和亚当·布鲁姆(AdamBrumm)是团队带头人。他们对洞中12幅人类手部图画及两幅具象动物图画进行了检测。

    Maxime Aubert and Adam Brumm , research fellows at Griffith University in Queensland , Australia , and the leaders of the study , examined 12 images of human hands and two figurative animal depictions at the cave sites .

  27. 具象表现绘画方法的教学应用价值

    The Applied Value of the Art of Figurative Expressionism in Teaching

  28. 论黑白木刻中具象人物造型与刀法语言的关系

    On Relation Specific Image Figure and Carving Skills in Monochromatic Woodcut

  29. 从具象到抽象:亚里士多德逻辑学说的诞生

    From Image to Abstract : the Birth of Aristotelian Logical Theory

  30. 同一资源还可以有多个具象。

    There could also be multiple representations of the same resource .