
  • 网络Qiraji
  1. 上古四龙,鹿盔,大群的其拉蝎虫和一批暗夜精灵同时出现在时间之沙的倒影之中。

    The four dragons , Staghelm , and a large group of qiraji and night elves appear out of the sands of time .

  2. 西方应当继续劝导俄罗斯在国际社会中做一名负责的成员,将其拉入世界贸易组织(wto)等机构。

    It should continue to entice Russia to be a responsible member of the international community , drawing it into institutions such as the World Trade Organisation .

  3. 西昂提用计算机辅助设计软件设计出制作食品的程序,然后用注射器将原料注入3D打印机,将其拉成长长的微丝然后压制成牛排的形状。

    Using CAD software Mr Scionti designed a program to turn the food products , which are inserted into a machine using a syringe , into a long micro-filament which is then shaped into a steak .

  4. 近代城市和工商业的发展,是其拉动力;

    The development of modern city , industry and commerce pushes it forward .

  5. 据说凶手切开他的咽喉,试图用其拉奏

    I hear someone cut his throat and tried to play it with a bow .

  6. 该车司机却将其拉到一个偏远的地方,实施抢劫并杀害了她。

    The driver took her to a remote place , and then robbed and killed her .

  7. 由于其拉动力,耗能低,它适合现代交叉的局面。

    Thanks to its pulling power and low consumption , it suits our modern crossover brilliantly .

  8. 请注意立方体方位在重力将其拉向地面以及它静止下来和碰撞时的行为。

    Note that behavior of the box 's position as gravity pulls it to the ground and it comes to rest and the collision .

  9. 总的说来,它延缓了建筑教育的进步,甚至将其拉回到正式教育初级阶段以前的层面上。

    In general it has tended to retard progress in architectural education and hold it back to a level not much beyond the earliest stages of formal education .

  10. 据悉,该州公园管理局的承包商花了两天的时间,用挖掘机对这头长40尺的鲸鱼进行肢解,然后将其拉到圣地亚哥的一个垃圾填埋场。

    A contractor working for the state parks department spent two days using an excavator to cut up the 40-foot whale , which was hauled off to a San Diego County landfill .

  11. 舌尖绕着风滚草圈了两圈,然后猛得将其拉起来,往模仿树残桩里的进食口拖去,啜食者正是隐藏了里面。

    Its tip flicked twice around the tumbleweed , jerked it off the ground and back to the feed opening in the imitation tree stump within which the rest of the slurp was concealed .

  12. 将会影响艾泽拉斯未来的事件已经被起动,诺兹多姆一族现在已经对其拉堡垒城市-安其拉提高警惕。

    Events have been set in motion that will shape the future of all of Azeroth , as the attention of the Brood of Nozdormu is focused on Ahn'Qiraj , the fortress city of the Qiraji .

  13. 将这朵白色莲花的精神印象保持在你的脑垂体区域,并且与第一种方法一样,当你的注意力岔开,就要将其拉回到莲花和你的脑垂体区域。

    Hold the mental impression of this white lotus in the area of your pituitary gland , and as with the first method , when your mind wanders , bring it back to the lotus and the area of your pituitary .

  14. 通过对单窗体、双窗体和多窗体三种结构形式分析,在地震波加速度时程变化过程中,窗体结构体角点产生应力集中,其拉压应力值随之发生变化和重新分布。

    On a single form , the form of three two-form and multi-structure analysis of seismic wave acceleration time history in the process of change , the form structure corner stress concentration , the tensile and compressive stress will be changed and re-distribution .

  15. 以额、颏为抗基前牵引上颌,下颌骨整体向下向后旋转,其拉、压应力并存,髁突颈部受力最大。

    When taking brow and chin as pivots to protract the maxilla , the whole lower mandible will rotate downward and backward while the drawing stress and compressive stress are coexisted , and the neck of condyle bears the strongest force . Conclusion : 1 .

  16. 从安全取值、破坏模式的一致性考虑,推荐采用15℃弯拉破坏最大拉应变εB作为其极限拉应变。

    The maximum tensile strain ε B under 15 ℃ was recommended as its limited tensile strain considering the consistency of safety and failure mode .

  17. 高环和低环具有相反的电荷,这样的特性可以使其像拉绳子的两只手一样交替地拉住DNA。

    The upper and lower rings have opposite charges , which allow the motor to contract and release , alternately tugging at the DNA like a ring of hands pulling on a rope .

  18. 它是基站的延伸,其射频拉远单元(RRU)可以放置在高楼、地铁、边远地区等信号盲区,对提高网络的覆盖能力起着重要的作用。

    It is the extension device of the base station and can be placed in the signal blind zone , such as metro and remote area . It plays an important role in improving the network coverage .

  19. 汝城盆地基性岩形成于陆内拉张带(初始裂谷)构造环境,其强烈拉张时期与华南南岭地区的主要拉张时期(120Ma)相对应。

    The basic rocks in the Rucheng Basin were formed in the tectonic setting of continental extension belt ( or initial rift ) and its intense extension epoch is corresponding to the main extension epoch ( 120Ma ) in the Nanling region , South China .

  20. 打直左腿,用胯部将其向后拉。

    Straighten left leg , then pull it backward from the hip .

  21. 掺入黄麻纤维的砂浆与素砂浆相比其劈拉强度有10%-15%的提高。

    Contrast with mortar , the splitting tensile of jute reinforced mortar increase 10 to 15 percents .

  22. 墙肢的刚度,由于其受拉、受压的不同,也有显著区别。

    The flexural rigidity of each wall pier under tensile condition was quite different from that under compressive condition .

  23. 一个不断抖动的自然界梦想,其推拉效应所带来的影响,将会吸引来一个接一个的灾害,那也会毁灭所有被波及的人类。

    The push and pull of a wobbly natural world dream would call in natural disaster after disaster that would also destroy humans lying in its wake .

  24. 其弯拉试件从受荷到破坏经历了微观裂缝产生、裂缝稳定扩展、裂缝贯通和构件破坏四个阶段。

    Four stages can be observed from loading to collapse , which can be described as microcosmic crack occurrence , crack development , crack transfixion and member collapse . 4 .

  25. 其张拉系统的施工主要包括钢绞线的就位、固定,锚具槽、锚具及张拉设备的安装,张拉等步骤,施工工艺严谨。

    The main construction processes of the tensioning system include the location and fixation of steel spiral rope , and the installation of anchorage groove , anchorage device and tensioning equipment . Its construction techniques are strict .

  26. 被加工孔类零件内部的周向珩磨附加拉应力是珩磨加工方式所特有的,对于抗拉强度低、脆性大的陶瓷材料,其附加拉应力对珩磨过程的材料去除有重要影响作用。

    The unique feature of honing compared with other machining operations is that the honing bore contains honing incidental tensile stresses . The stresses have important influence on material removal of honing processes for brittle ceramics with low tensile strength .

  27. 然而该材料的致命缺点是在室温下没有拉伸塑性,导致其在拉应力承载条件下沿着单一的剪切带发生灾难性失效,从而限制了其作为结构材料的应用。

    The Achilles heel of these materials , however , is the lack of tensile ductility at room temperature , making them prone to catastrophic failure along a single shear band in tensile loading conditions and limiting their application as structural materials .

  28. 根据压杆的挠曲线近似微分方程,采用拉氏积分变换,得到压杆屈曲问题的一种新的解法,称其为拉氏变换弯矩法,用这种法也可求解刚架的屈曲问题。

    According to the approximate differential equation of strut , and by using Laplace integral transform , this paper obtained a new solution which is called bending moment method of Laplace integral transform , by which buckling problems of Frame can be solved .

  29. 计算表明,预应力方案Ⅰ到方案Ⅲ降低拉应力的程度在5%和10%之间,其降低拉应力程度最大的方案Ⅱ达到9.2%,方案Ⅱ是最优的预应力锚束布置方案。

    The results show that the prestress schemes ⅰ to ⅲ decrease tensile stress at a degree from 5 % to 10 % , the scheme ⅱ is maximum values of 9.2 % for decreasing tensile prestress . It proves that the scheme ⅱ is optimum prestress anchoring schemes .

  30. 国外发展经验和产业经济理论表明,当一国经济发展到一定阶段后,服务业对其GDP的拉动力将越来越大。

    It indicates from the foreign development experience and industry economy theory that the contribution of the service industry to the GDP will be getting more and more important with the development of the economy .