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bīng yuán
  • troops;soldiers
兵员 [bīng yuán]
  • [soldiers; troops] 兵,战士(总称)

  • 兵员补充

兵员[bīng yuán]
  1. 多途径提升兵员的知识水平;

    The knowledge level of soldiers should be advanced by various ways .

  2. 网络环境下兵员管理信息系统分析与设计

    Analysis and Design of the Army 's Soldiers MIS in Military Network

  3. 本文首先概述了部队兵员管理系统的开发背景和实现意义,然后介绍了VISUALSTUDIO2005C、ASP.NET、和SqlServer2000数据库等相关技术,接下来详细说明了部队兵员管理系统的总体设计,以及各功能模块的实现。

    Then introduced the Visual Studio 2005 C # , ASP . NET , SQL Server 2000 database , and other related technologies . In the following part , The Design and Implement of Soldier Management Information System and the realization of function modules are illustrated .

  4. 为了补足兵员,将战争进行到底,Claudius下令,凡是一定年龄范围内的男子,都必须进入罗马军队,以生命为国家效劳。

    In order to supplement the troops will be war in the end , Claudius ordered that all within the scope of a certain age men , have to enter the Roman army , to take the country to serve .

  5. 军用卡车和运送兵员的车辆川流不息。

    There was heavy traffic of army trucks and personal vehicles .

  6. 第二部分,福建兵员动员的组织机构。

    Secondly , the organizations of the mobilization of troops in Fujian .

  7. 舰员与陆地兵员胃镜检查比较分析

    Comparison of gastroscopic results between seafarer and land personnel

  8. 第六部分,福建兵员动员的成效及评价。

    Sixthly , the results and evaluation of military manpower mobilization in Fujian .

  9. 他们正在尽快地把兵员运送到前线去。

    They are rushing men through to the front .

  10. 文化素质是影响官兵心理健康的一个重要因素,在征新兵员时,应尽可能征收高文化素质的兵员。

    The culture character is an important factor affecting the soldiers psychological health .

  11. 我可以为你提供充足的兵员。

    If I could supply you with enough recruits .

  12. 直升机和运输兵员装甲车正在向乌克兰进军。

    Helicopters and armored personnel carriers are on the move in eastern Ukraine .

  13. 这个团的兵员已足额。

    The regiment had its complement of men .

  14. 在大、中学校和机关、工厂里,到处都在搜罗兵员。

    Universities and high schools , offices and factories , were combed for recruits .

  15. 政府正在征召兵员。

    The government is calling up soldiers .

  16. 因此,在高校实行军训制度是和平年代藏兵于民,储备高素质后备兵员的有效办法。

    So , it is an effective way to reserve high quality force in peace .

  17. 这是美国攻占伊拉克派遣兵员数的40倍

    That 's 40 times the number of US combat troops that originally invaded Iraq .

  18. 抗战时期四川兵员动员研究东北抗日军民的心声

    A Study on the Mobilization of the Soldiers Troops in Sichuan Province during the Anti-Japanese War

  19. 少报损失(如金钱、兵员的损失).我只得到很少的报酬。

    Understate one 's losses , eg of money , troops I get only meagre pay .

  20. 哪一方资源更充足,装备更精良,兵员更广大?

    Which army is stronger ? On which side are officers and men more highly trained ?

  21. 以俘获敌人的全部武器和大部兵员补充自己。

    Replenish our strength with all the arms and most of the soldiers captured from the enemy .

  22. 《兵役法》及其相配套的实施法令及单行法规,为战时兵员动员提供了完整的动员体系。

    Military Service Law and its corresponding single regulations which provided the complete systems for mobilization system .

  23. 缅军主要通过火车和轮船向它的克钦战区运送兵员和武器。

    The Burmese government mainly transports troops and weapons to its northern Kachin State by train and ship .

  24. 这种补充兵员的制度倾向于传统的做法,就是(成立)一个全军统一补充兵员和训练的司令部的做法。

    This system of replacement was preferred over the more conventional method of an army-wide replacement and training command .

  25. 兵员损失将不会数以千计,顶多损失几十人(被击落战机的驾驶员)。

    The loss will not be numbered in the thousands , dozens at most ( the pilots shot down ) .

  26. 要想从容应对,奥巴马先生需要的是更多的兵员,更佳的战略以及很多的运气。

    To resist it , Mr Obama will need more men , a better strategy and a great deal of luck .

  27. 到了12点一刻,来的人已经川流不息。军用卡车和运送兵员的车辆川流不息。

    By 12 ∶ 15 the trickle had become a flow . There was heavy traffic of army trucks and personal vehicles .

  28. 除了没有中后卫不算,切尔西也没有满足穆里尼奥希望在冬季转会市场补充兵员的愿望。

    Despite having no central defenders available , Chelsea failed to back the manager 's wish to reinforce in the January window .

  29. 冯·施托伊本从整肃这些市井杂兵的军纪入手,这些兵员与他以往所训部队迥然不同。

    Von Steuben starts by drilling discipline into Washington 's ragtag recruits . The men are unlike any he has ever trained before .

  30. 指挥官投入大量兵员增援被打败的部队。指挥官命令他的士兵脸和手涂黑以进行夜袭。

    The commander poured men it to reinforce the slaughtered battalions . The commander ordered his soldiers to black up for the night attack .