
ɡuān ài
  • express solicitude for sb.'s well-being;concern and love;devotion;concern;to bosom
  1. 教师评价缺少对学生的关爱。

    Teachers ' evaluate behaviors lack of concern and love on student .

  2. 家人的关爱和支持帮助他度过了狱中的岁月。

    The love and support of his family sustained him during his time in prison .

  3. 那是慈母般关爱与宽容的了不起的表现。

    It was an incredible display of motherly love and forgiveness .

  4. 我们能够给予的关怀、关爱和关注是有限的。

    Our capacity for giving care , love and attention is limited

  5. 我觉得她听起来像是一个真心真意地关爱和帮助别人的人。

    I thought she sounded a genuinely caring and helpful person .

  6. 老年人需要医生多花时间,还需要他们的关爱。

    Elderly people need time and compassion from their physicians .

  7. 这关爱使我不能自制,令我失声痛哭。

    Kindness breaks me up ; it makes me cry .

  8. 至少我们对她是关爱有加的。

    We , at least , have taken her to our bosom .

  9. 我想她此刻定会觉得受到了极大的伤害,无人关爱。

    I think she feels desperately wounded and unloved at the moment .

  10. 要是能给予他们关爱和安全感肯定会更好。

    It must be better to be able to offer them love and security

  11. 精神分析学家往往认为施虐狂和受虐狂都是由于儿时缺乏关爱造成的。

    Psychoanalysts tend to regard both sadism and masochism as arising from childhood deprivation .

  12. 他对继子女的关爱和投入不会减少他对亲生孩子的责任。

    His commitments to the stepchildren will not reduce his obligation to his natural children .

  13. 她至少为哈丽雅特提供了一个安宁关爱的家。

    She had , at any rate , provided a peaceful and loving home for Harriet

  14. 我能给吉尔的最大帮助就是对他忠诚、关爱他并且永远满怀同情之心。

    My best course of action was to help Gill by being loyal , loving and endlessly sympathetic

  15. 工作压身、精力上捉襟见肘的家长可能会被视作对孩子缺乏关爱,但他们也许只是太疲惫了。

    The overworked , overextended parent may be seen as unloving , but may simply be exhausted .

  16. 随着年龄的增长,家庭仍然是人们获得关爱和安慰的主要源泉。

    The family continues to be the primary source of care and comfort for people as they grow older .

  17. 现在回头看看,他才意识到在他人生的头25年里他被慷慨给予了多少无条件的关爱与支持。

    From the vantage point of the present he saw the unquestioning love and support that had been lavished upon him for his first twenty-five years .

  18. 凯克说:“性别准则以及社会对付出关怀的预期可能使得男性更难为重病的配偶提供关爱。

    " Gender norms and social expectations about caregiving many make it more difficult for men to provide care to sick spouses , " Karraker said .

  19. A:哇!很好!在中国,关爱父母是第一位的,祝你前程似锦!B:谢谢你。

    A : Wow ! Good ! Caring for parents comes first in China.Wish you a nice future ! B : Thank you .

  20. 对女性殷勤的男子对女性关爱、殷勤备至的男人

    A man who is amorously and gallantly attentive to women .

  21. 我们要像对待生命一样关爱海洋。

    We should cherish oceans as we treat our lives .

  22. 威伯想要的不是食物,而是关爱。

    Wilbur didn 't want food , he wanted love .

  23. 而在男士看来,这病的确让自己很难受,需要得到更多关爱。

    The male perspective is that actually it does hurt and he needs more care .

  24. 例句虽然爷爷去世了,但他的关爱将永远留存在我们的记忆中。

    Although our grandfather has passed away , his love will live on in the memory of all of us .

  25. 一只超然豁达的老鼠高声颂扬大自然的仁厚,赞美它对鼠辈们所给予的特别的关爱。

    A philosophical loudly in praise of nature 's goodness for having made the mice such particular objects of her concern and protection .

  26. 我还记得,在1949年,一个名叫凯西?菲丝库斯的小女孩失足跌入了加利福尼亚的一口废井之中,全国的人们都对她充满了同情与关爱。

    I remember the understanding and sympathy that took over this country , back in 1949 , when a little girl named Kathy Fiskus fell into an abandoned well out in California .

  27. 有关部门要落实好防护物资、生活物资保障,落实好工资待遇、临时性工资补助、卫生防疫津贴待遇,尽快出台关心关爱一线医务人员的政策措施。

    The relevant authorities should guarantee the supply of protective materials and daily necessities , implement payment and subsidy policies , and take measures to protect medical workers ’ interests as soon as possible .

  28. “阿尔塔男”不再关注身上是否有足够的男性特质(力量、强悍、短时间内赢得尊重以及一天之内留出上唇胡须的能力),而是更在意友好、智慧、风趣以及关爱等品质。

    They are less interested in having typically ' masculine ' traits ( strength , toughness , instant respect and the ability to grow a moustache by sundown ) , and are more interested in qualities such as friendliness , intelligence , being interesting and caring .

  29. 对Ty和Elena来说,则是相互关爱加上善意的玩笑令两人彼此相爱。

    A combination of nurturing and good-natured teasing keeps Ty and Elena in the love game .

  30. 《关爱糖尿病》杂志上的一项研究显示,每天喝健怡可乐的人比起那些不喝的人来说,引发与新陈代谢相关的疾病的概率要大36%,而引发II型糖尿病的概率则会高出67个百分点。

    A study in the journalDiabetes Care found that daily consumption of diet soda wasassociated with a 36 percent greater relative risk of developingmetabolic syndrome and a 67 percent greater relative risk ofdeveloping Type 2 diabetes compared with non-consumption .