
On Division and Mortgage Rights for Property in Common
Division of property in common can be carried out according to two legitimate systems , maintenance approach and transference approach .
The right of claim for dividing co-ownership refers to the right that the co-owners have to dissolve the co-ownership of the co-owned property .
In Common Law , the people do less emphasis on the attribution of the ownership , so that the development of the right is not perfect .
In order to play the value of the property , balance the equity and efficiency and ensure the party autonomy , the thesis gives some advice on perfecting the system of the right of claim for dividing co-ownership .
At last , the right respectively in Roman law and Germanic Law are generally investigated . The thesis believes that the Roman law has the significant impact on the right of claim for dividing co-ownership in the Continent Law .
Each of the common owners shall enjoy the rights and assume the obligations respecting the joint property .